Welcome to the IDEAS Lab at Northwestern University. This page contains source code repositories for much of our work.
For more information, please view our website at http://zhulab.eecs.northwestern.edu/.
Welcome to the IDEAS Lab at Northwestern University. This page contains source code repositories for much of our work.
For more information, please view our website at http://zhulab.eecs.northwestern.edu/.
Fork and reimplementation of https://github.com/davidbsp/patrolling_sim
Jupyter Notebook 2
Forked from balanced-fl/Addressing-Class-Imbalance-FL
This is the code for Addressing Class Imbalance in Federated Learning (AAAI-2021).
Forked from conditionWang/FCIL
This is the formal code implementation of the CVPR 2022 paper 'Federated Class Incremental Learning'.
Publish camera/imu/odometry as ROS topics on the Unitree Go1 dogs. Control the Go1 dog using ROS /cmd_vel topic.
A ROS2 package you can use to control the real Go1 robot
This is the "GAMMA" code for the DED-DT project's FEA model.
SDK tools for control robots.