Thesis Project by Jack Cameron McNamara
Student Number: 45321377
Project Commencement: July 2021
3D Reachable Workspace Assessment Via Robotic Instruction
The project aims to assess the 3D reachable workspace of a stroke patient through robotic instruction and computer vision.
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Required)
- ROS Noetic (Required)
- Build and install OpenCV from source
- Install CUDA and cuDDNN
- Install OpenPose from source
Create and anter a catkin workspace
mkdir ~/catkin_ws && cd ~/catkin_ws
Create a source directory within catkin workspace
mkdir ./src && src ./src
Clone this repository
git clone
Enter root of catkin workspace and run catkin_make
cd ~/catkin_ws
Install Bio_IK and Bio_IK_Service
Follow the Kinova steps for establishing communication between a remote development PC and MOVO
Open three terminals
Terminal 1:
SSH into the MOVO2 compute and launch the workspace_assessment file
ssh movo@movo2
roslaunch mrn_movo workspace_assessment
Terminal 2:
Set the ROS_MASTER_URI to MOVO2 and launch the movo_moveit_config demo
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ./devel/setup.bash
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://MOVO2:11311
roslaunch movo_moveit_config demo.launch
Terminal 3:
Set the ROS_MASTER_URI to MOVO2 and launch the mrn_movo.launch file
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ./devel/setup.bash
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://MOVO2:11311
roslaunch mrn_movo mrn_movo.launch