This is a static version of what used to be the front page and the About documentation of the Feeding Experiments End-user Database (FEED).
The following description of FEED is adapted from the text on the website:
The Feeding Experiments End-User Database, or FEED, is a multi-species collection of physiologic data and associated metadata. The physiologic data contain information on muscle activity, bone and muscle strain, jaw and oropharyngeal apparatus motion, bite force, and intra-oral pressure during feeding. Metadata on feeding behaviors and muscle anatomy are annotated with ontologies. Experimental biologists can use the data in FEED to study the evolutionary and functional implications of variation in feeding physiology.
The live version of FEED was shut down in May 2018 because the version of Django on which it was running at the time (1.8.x) reached end-of-support in April 2018.
The software source code underlying the live site can be found in the following repository:
It is also archived on Zenodo:
The data content of the FEED database has also been archived at Zenodo: