LROSE is a set of tools to edit, analyze, and visualize LIDAR and RADAR data.
LROSE is a joint project between the Atmospheric Science Department at Colorado State University (CSU) and the Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
In 2016, the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded LROSE for four years.
The primary purpose of this repository is to centralize the user documentation for the LROSE applications.
Some of the user documentation resides in other locations, and links will be provided where appropriate.
An overview of the documentation resides in lrose-core at:
Name | link to github webpage |
Software overview | Overview |
Command line | Command line |
Parameters | Parameters |
App struture | Anatomy of an app |
Real-time | Real-time operations |
Data-flow | Data flow for real-time operations |
Name | link to github webpage |
emerald | emerald |
Running CIDD in Docker | running_cidd_in_docker |
Running solo3 in Docker | running_solo3_in_docker |
Running soloii in Docker | running_soloii_in_docker |
CIDD user manual | cidd_manual |
LROSE handles data from a variety of formats (netCDF, HDF5, BUFR, Cfarr, etc.).
Format | Description | Documenation |
IWRF time series | Radar time series | |
CfRadial | NetCDF radar data polar coords | |
CF-NetCDF | NetCDF for Cartesian data | |
The following legacy applications are checked in under separate repositories.
Name | github location | Docs |
cedric, sprint | lrose-cedric | cedric_doc |
reorder | lrose-reorder | reorder_doc |
soloii | lrose-soloii | running soloii in docker |
solo3 | lrose-solo3 | running solo3 in docker |