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Photometry sketches

jianyangli edited this page Jul 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

Photometric function model

Disk-integrated photometric model

Fit an IAU HG model to observations, and calculate the magnitude mag at phase angle phase

from sbpy.Photometry import HG
from astropy.modeling import fitting

hg_init = HG()
fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
hg_model = fitter(hg_init, phase, mag)
mag = hg_model(phase)

Disk-resolved photometric model

Calculate the I/F of a facet at incidence angle inc, emission angle emi, and phase angle pha:

from sbpy.Photometry import ROLO

# use ROLO model as an example here, but a bunch of other commonly used models should all be implemented here
rolo_model = ROLO(parameters=...)
iof = rolo_model(inc, emo, pha)