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The pyQuARC tool reads and evaluates metadata records with a focus on the consistency and robustness of the metadata. pyQuARC flags opportunities to improve or add to contextual metadata information in order to help the user connect to relevant data products. pyQuARC also ensures that information common to both the data product and the file-leve…


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Open Source Library for Earth Observation Metadata Quality Assessment



The pyQuARC (pronounced "pie-quark") library was designed to read and evaluate descriptive metadata used to catalog Earth observation data products and files. This type of metadata focuses and limits attention to important aspects of data, such as the spatial and temporal extent, in a structured manner that can be leveraged by data catalogs and other applications designed to connect users to data. Therefore, poor quality metadata (e.g. inaccurate, incomplete, improperly formatted, inconsistent) can yield subpar results when users search for data. Metadata that inaccurately represents the data it describes risks matching users with data that does not reflect their search criteria and, in the worst-case scenario, can make data impossible to find.

Given the importance of high quality metadata, it is necessary that metadata be regularly assessed and updated as needed. pyQuARC is a tool that can help streamline the process of assessing metadata quality by automating it as much as possible. In addition to basic validation checks (e.g. adherence to the metadata schema, controlled vocabularies, and link checking), pyQuARC flags opportunities to improve or add contextual metadata information to help the user connect to, access, and better understand the data product. pyQuARC also ensures that information common to both data product (i.e. collection) and the file-level (i.e. granule) metadata are consistent and compatible. As open source software, pyQuARC can be adapted and customized to allow for quality checks unique to different needs.

pyQuARC Base Package

pyQuARC was specifically designed to assess metadata in NASA’s Common Metadata Repository (CMR), which is a centralized metadata repository for all of NASA’s Earth observation data products. In addition to NASA’s ~9,000 data products, the CMR also holds metadata for over 40,000 additional Earth observation data products submitted by external data partners. The CMR serves as the backend for NASA’s Earthdata Search ( and is also the authoritative metadata source for NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).

pyQuARC was developed by a group called the Analysis and Review of the CMR (ARC) team. The ARC team conducts quality assessments of NASA’s metadata records in the CMR, identifies opportunities for improvement in the metadata records, and collaborates with the data archive centers to resolve any identified issues. ARC has developed a metadata quality assessment framework which specifies a common set of assessment criteria. These criteria focus on correctness, completeness, and consistency with the goal of making data more discoverable, accessible, and usable. The ARC metadata quality assessment framework is the basis for the metadata checks that have been incorporated into pyQuARC base package. Specific quality criteria for each CMR metadata element is documented in the following wiki:

There is an “ARC Metadata QA/QC” section on the wiki page for each metadata element that lists quality criteria categorized by level of priority. Priority categories are designated as high (red), medium (yellow), or low (blue), and are intended to communicate the importance of meeting the specified criteria.

The CMR is designed around its own metadata standard called the Unified Metadata Model (UMM). In addition to being an extensible metadata model, the UMM also provides a cross-walk for mapping between the various CMR-supported metadata standards. CMR-supported metadata standards currently include:

  • DIF10 (Collection/Data Product-level only)
  • ECHO10 (Collection/Data Product and Granule/File-level metadata)
  • ISO19115-1 and ISO19115-2 (Collection/Data Product and Granule/File-level metadata)
    • UMM-C (Collection/Data Product-level metadata)
    • UMM-G (Granule/File-level metadata)
    • UMM-S (Service metadata)
    • UMM-T (Tool metadata)

pyQuARC supports DIF10 (collection only), ECHO10 (collection and granule), UMM-C, and UMM-G standards. At this time, there are no plans to add ISO 19115 or UMM-S/T specific checks. Note that pyQuARC development is still underway, so further enhancements and revisions are planned.

For inquiries, please email: [email protected]

pyQuARC as a Service (QuARC)

QuARC is pyQuARC deployed as a service and can be found here:

QuARC is still in beta but is regularly synced with the latest version of pyQuARC on GitHub. Fully cloud-native, the architecture diagram of QuARC is shown below:



pyQuARC Architecture

The Downloader is used to obtain a copy of a metadata record of interest from the CMR. This is accomplished using a CMR API query, where the metadata record of interest is identified by its unique identifier in the CMR (concept_id). CMR API documentation can be found here:

There is also the option to select and run pyQuARC on a metadata record already downloaded to your local desktop.

The checks.json file includes a comprehensive list of rules. Each rule is specified by its rule_id, associated function, and any dependencies on specific metadata elements.

The rule_mapping.json file specifies which metadata element(s) each rule applies to. The rule_mapping.json also references the messages.json file which includes messages that can be displayed when a check passes or fails.

Furthermore, the rule_mapping.json file specifies the level of severity associated with a failure. If a check fails, it will be assigned a severity category of “error”, “warning”, or "info.” These categories correspond to priority categorizations in ARC’s priority matrix and communicate the importance of the failed check, with “error” being the most critical category, “warning” indicating a failure of medium priority, and “info” indicating a minor issue or inconsistency. Default severity values are assigned based on ARC’s metadata quality assessment framework, but can be customized to meet individual needs.


pyQuARC is designed to be customizable. Output messages can be modified using the messages_override.json file - any messages added to messages_override.json will display over the default messages in the message.json file. Similarly, there is a rule_mapping_override.json file which can be used to override the default settings for which rules/checks are applied to which metadata elements.

There is also the opportunity for more sophisticated customization. New QA rules can be added and existing QA rules can be edited or removed. Support for new metadata standards can be added as well. Further details on how to customize pyQuARC will be provided in the technical user’s guide below.

While the pyQuARC base package is currently managed by the ARC team, the long term goal is for it to be owned and governed by the broader EOSDIS metadata community.

Install/User’s Guide

Running the program

Note: This program requires Python 3.8 installed in your system.

Clone the repo:

Go to the project directory: cd pyQuARC

Create a python virtual environment: python -m venv env

Activate the environment: source env/bin/activate

Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt


▶ python pyQuARC/ -h  
usage: [-h] [--query QUERY | --concept_ids CONCEPT_IDS [CONCEPT_IDS ...]] [--file FILE | --fake FAKE] [--format [FORMAT]] [--cmr_host [CMR_HOST]]
               [--version [VERSION]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit
  --query QUERY             CMR query URL.
  --concept_ids CONCEPT_IDS [CONCEPT_IDS ...]
                            List of concept IDs.
  --file FILE               Path to the test file, either absolute or relative to the root dir.
  --fake FAKE               Use a fake content for testing.
  --format [FORMAT]         The metadata format. Choices are: echo-c (echo10 collection), echo-g (echo10 granule), dif10 (dif10 collection), umm-c (umm-json collection),
                        umm-g (umm-json granules)
  --cmr_host [CMR_HOST]     The cmr host base url. Default is:
  --version [VERSION]       The revision version of the collection. Default is the latest version.

To test a local file, use the --file argument. Give it either an absolute file path or a file path relative to the project root directory.


▶ python pyQuARC/ --file "tests/fixtures/test_cmr_metadata.echo10"


▶ python pyQuARC/ --file "/Users/batman/projects/pyQuARC/tests/fixtures/test_cmr_metadata.echo10"

Adding a custom rule

To add a custom rule, follow the following steps:

Add an entry to the schemas/rule_mapping.json file in the form:

"rule_id": "<An id for the rule in snake case>": {
    "rule_name": "<Name of the Rule>",  
    "fields_to_apply": {
        "<metadata format (eg. echo-c)>": {  
            "fields": [  
                "<The primary field1 to apply to (full path separated by /)>",
                "<Related field 11>",
                "<Related field 12>",
                "<Related field ...>",
                "<Related field 1n>",  
            "relation": "relation_between_the_fields_if_any",
            "dependencies": [
                    "<any dependent check that needs to be run before this check (if any), for this specific metadata format>",
                    "<field to apply this dependent check to (if any)>"
        "echo-g": {  
            "fields": [  
                "<The primary field2 to apply to (full path separated by /)>",
                "<Related field 21>",
                "<Related field 22>",
                "<Related field ...>",
                "<Related field 2n>",  
            "relation": "relation_between_the_fields_if_any",
            "data": [ "<any external data that you want to send to the rule for this specific metadata format>" ]
    "data" : [ "<any external data that you want to send to the rule>" ],
    "check_id": "< one of the available checks, see, or custom check if you are a developer>"

An example:

"data_update_time_logic_check": {
    "rule_name": "Data Update Time Logic Check",
    "fields_to_apply": {
        "echo-c": [
                "fields": [
                "relation": "gte"
        "echo-g": [
                "fields": [
                "relation": "gte"
        "dif10": [
                "fields": [
                "relation": "gte",
                "dependencies": [
    "severity": "info",
    "check_id": "datetime_compare"

data is any external data that you want to pass to the check. For example, for a controlled_keywords_check, it would be the controlled keywords list:

"data": [ ["keyword1", "keyword2"] ]

check_id is the id of the corresponding check from checks.json. It'll usually be one of the available checks. An exhaustive list of all the available checks can be found in

If you're writing your own custom check to schemas/checks.json:

Add an entry in the format:

"<a check id>": {  
	"data_type": "<the data type of the value>",  
	"check_function": "<the function that implements the check>",  
	"dependencies": [  
		"<any dependent check that needs to be run before this check>"  
	"description": "<description of the check>",  
	"available": <check availability, either true or false>  

The data_type can be datetime, string, url or custom.

The check_function should be either one of the available functions, or your own custom function.

An example:

"date_compare": {  
	"data_type": "datetime",  
	"check_function": "compare",  
	"dependencies": [  
	"description": "Compares two datetimes based on the relation given.",  
	"available": true  

If you’re writing your own check function:

Locate the validator file based on the data_type of the check in code/ directory. It is in the form: <data_type> Example:,, etc.

Write a @staticmethod member method in the class for that particular check. See examples in the file itself. The return value should be in the format:

	"valid": <the_validity_based_on_the_check>,  
	"value": <the_value_of_the_field_in_user_friendly_format>  

You can re-use any functions that are already there to reduce redundancy.

Adding output messages to checks:

Add an entry to the schemas/check_messages_override.json file like this:

	"check_id": "<The id of the check/rule>",  
	"message": {  
		"success": "<The message to show if the check succeeds>",  
		"failure": "<The message to show if the check fails>",  
		"warning": "<The warning message>"  
	"help": {  
		"message": "<The help message if any.>",  
		"url": "<The help url if any.>"  
	"remediation": "<The remediation step to make the check valid.>"  

An example:

	"check_id": "abstract_length_check",  
	"message": {  
		"success": "The length is correct.",  
		"failure": "The length of the field should be less than 100. The current length is `{}`.",  
		"warning": "Make sure length is 100."  
	"help": {  
		"message": "The length of the field can only be less than 100 characters.",  
		"url": ""  
	"remediation": "A remedy."  

Note: See the {} in the failure message above? It is a placeholder for any value you want to show in the output message. To fill this placeholder with a particular value, you have to return that value from the check function that you write. You can have as many placeholders as you like, you just have to return that many values from your check function.

An example: Suppose you have a check function:

def is_true(value1, value2):
	return {
		"valid": value1 and value2,
		"value": [value1, value2]

And a message:

	"failure": "The values `{}` and `{}` do not amount to a true value",

Then, if the check function receives input value1=0 and value2=1, the output message will be:

The values 0 and 1 do not amount to a true value

Using as a package

Note: This program requires Python 3.8 installed in your system.

Clone the repo:

Go to the project directory: cd pyQuARC

Install package: python install

To check if the package was installed correctly:

>>> from pyQuARC import ARC
>>> validator = ARC(fake=True)
>>> validator.validate()
>>> ...

To provide locally installed file:

>>> from pyQuARC import ARC
>>> validator = ARC(file_path="<path to metadata file>")
>>> validator.validate()
>>> ...

To provide rules for new fields or override:

cat rule_override.json
    "data_update_time_logic_check": {
        "rule_name": "Data Update Time Logic Check",
        "fields_to_apply": [
                "fields": [
                "relation": "lte"
        "severity": "info",
        "check_id": "date_compare"
    "new_field": {
        "rule_name": "Check for new field",
        "fields_to_apply": [
                "fields": [
                    "<new field name>",
                    "<other new field name>",
                "relation": "lte"
        "severity": "info",
        "check_id": "<check_id>"
▶ python
>>> from pyQuARC import ARC
>>> validator = ARC(checks_override="<path to rule_override.json>")
>>> validator.validate()
>>> ...

To provide custom messages for new or old fields:

cat messages_override.json
    "data_update_time_logic_check": {
        "failure": "The UpdateTime `{}` comes after the provided InsertTime `{}`.",
        "help": {
            "message": "",
            "url": ""
        "remediation": "Everything is alright!"
    "new_check": {
        "failure": "Custom check for `{}` and `{}.",
        "help": {
            "message": "",
            "url": ""
        "remediation": "<remediation steps>"
▶ python
>>> from pyQuARC import ARC
>>> validator = ARC(checks_override="<path to rule_override.json>", messages_override=<path to messages_override.json>)
>>> validator.validate()
>>> ...


The pyQuARC tool reads and evaluates metadata records with a focus on the consistency and robustness of the metadata. pyQuARC flags opportunities to improve or add to contextual metadata information in order to help the user connect to relevant data products. pyQuARC also ensures that information common to both the data product and the file-leve…







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