To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Maybe remove the delegation since it's an UIControl
- Animation for changing selected element
- Any ideas or request ?
CMPageControl is a UIControl working like a UIPageControl but support horizontal/vertical display and is customisable. Currently you can customize the borderWidth, the backgroundColor, the borderColor and an image if you want images instead of basic views
// current index, will apply selected style if you set manually
@IBInspectable public var currentIndex : Int = 0
// when set will "setup" the views
@IBInspectable public var numberOfElements : Int = 0
// to selecte if round or square
@IBInspectable public var isRounded : Bool = true
// unselected image
@IBInspectable public var elementImage : UIImage?
// unselected background color
@IBInspectable public var elementBackgroundColor : UIColor = UIColor.gray
// unselected border color
@IBInspectable public var elementBorderColor : UIColor = UIColor.gray
// unselected border width
@IBInspectable public var elementBorderWidth : CGFloat = 1.0
// element cornerRadius
@IBInspectable public var elementCornerRadius : CGFloat = 5.0
// selected image
@IBInspectable public var elementSelectedImage : UIImage? {
// selected background color
@IBInspectable public var elementSelectedBackgroundColor : UIColor = UIColor.white
// selected border color
@IBInspectable public var elementSelectedBorderColor : UIColor = UIColor.white
// selected border width
@IBInspectable public var elementSelectedBorderWidth : CGFloat = 2.0
// element width and height
@IBInspectable public var elementWidth : CGFloat = 10.0
// if you want the view to be aligned vertically or horizontally
public var orientation : CMPageControlOrientation = .Horizontal
public var delegate : CMPageControlDelegate?
self.pageControl = CMPageControl(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 40, width: 40, height: 200))
self.pageControl?.numberOfElements = 5
self.pageControl?.elementImage = image
self.pageControl?.elementSelectedImage = selectedImage
self.pageControl?.elementBackgroundColor = UIColor.clear
self.pageControl?.elementWidth = 20.0
self.pageControl?.elementBorderWidth = 0.0
self.pageControl?.elementSelectedBorderWidth = 0.0
self.pageControl?.elementSelectedBackgroundColor = UIColor.clear
self.pageControl?.orientation = .Vertical
/!\ might disappear because the UIControl should do the same
// called when a view is clicked
func elementClicked(pageControl : CMPageControl, atIndex: Int)
// decide if the index should change after the click
func shouldChangeIndex(from : Int, to : Int) -> Bool
CMPageControl is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "CMPageControl"
Clément Morissard, [email protected]
CMPageControl is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.