Mock kinesis is a library intended to run with the maven-failsafe-plugin to act as a fake kinesis endpoint for your integration tests.
and then under
This starts mock kinesis listening on port 8899 and then adds a new stream called 'kinesis-mock'.
In your application's code
System.setProperty("com.amazonaws.sdk.disableCbor", "true");
clientBuilder.setEndpointConfiguration(new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration("http://localhost:8899", "us-east-1"));
The MockKinesisClient class will wrap http calls to the server that you can use to change error rates, clear streams or get messages that were sent to the stream. An example test case would look like this:
public void testSmallBatchOfRequests() throws JSONException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
MockKinesisClient client = new MockKinesisClient(8899);
client.clearStreams(); //clear all records
client.setRateLimitErrorRate(streamName, 0); //set error rate to 0
Thread.sleep(waitForEventsToFlushInMs);// wait for all records to be sent
List<PutRecordRequest> records = client.getRecordsForStream(streamName); // get records from stream
assertEquals(1, records.size());
There are two configuration options for mock kinesis to return error codes: MockKinesisClient.setRateLimitErrorRate and MockKinesisClient.setErrorRate
setRateLimitErrorRate will return rate limiting error codes "KMSThrottlingException", "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException" where setErrorRate will return a random error code from "InvalidArgumentException","KMSAccessDeniedException","KMSDisabledException","KMSInvalidStateException","KMSNotFoundException","KMSOptInRequired"
Kinesis uses the (CBOR)[] content type by default. Mock kinesis doesn't yet support decoding that content type so when setting up your client, you first have to set the system property to turn it off.
System.setProperty("com.amazonaws.sdk.disableCbor", "true");
Messages with CBOR enter the server with Content-type set to application/x-amz-cbor-1.1 normal json messages will have the content type application/x-amz-json-1.1
If using this with KPL, you will need to set the following properties
System.setProperty("com.amazonaws.sdk.disableCbor", "true");