This is guestbook written Symfony 5 (with the help book "Symfony 5: Fast Track")
Make sure you have all the necessary tools installed: git (he-he), composer, php, docker (docker-compose);
git clone
composer install
docker-compose up -d
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
npm install
symfony run yarn encore dev
That's All!
Its empty guestbook For added Conferences, you must have user with role admin. Look!
symfony console security:encode-password
symfony run psql -c "INSERT INTO admin (id, username, roles, password) \
VALUES (nextval('admin_id_seq'), 'admin', '[\"ROLE_ADMIN\"]', \
'<password with eclipsed $>')"
For example password 1234: '$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=4,p=1$S4cV3J9uN2JpCT7h8Qv52Q$PLzTRKMY5qduS8VfMZ0t0KY1ApL78829WG6niZuzjwo'
After added Conferences, people will be able to add comments (after moderation through a configured mail client, of course). Example:
Work in progress :)