Fee change
Performance improvements
About 80% performance improvement
Important update for rigs with low CPU or Mem
Reorganized BrainPlus code so it uses much less CPU and memory
Improved pools stats computing (faster and less CPU)
Pause mining
Added the ability to pause miners while keeping other jobs running (pause button)
This will stop mining activity
BrainPlus will still run in the background avoiding the learning phase on resume
EarningTracker will still run in the background avoiding the learning phase on resume
Earning Tracker
Added %Threshold in table
Balance progress against threshold
Added MPH support
Only for bitcoin wallet
MPH do not provide API to retrieve the payout threshold set by user
At this time, the payout threshold is hard set to 0.01
If the payout threshold you set is different from 0.01 estimated pay date will show wrong estimation
Miners updates
Moved most algo to ccminerTpruvotCuda9 - Removes the 8 GPUs limit.
Updated XMRig to 2.5.0
Optional miners (Advanced)
Some miners are not enabled by default in NPlusMiner for a variety of reasons
A new folder can be found called "OptionalMiners" containing .ps1 files for some miners
For advanced users, refer to OptionalMiners\Readme.txt on how to use
Pools updates
Updated pool urls for zergpool. [algo]
Algo updates
Fixed cases where benchmark might run multiple times for some algo
Fixed Claymore not using selected GPUs
Fixed worker name for MPH
Removes "ID=" from worker name when mining MPH
Fixed worker name for NiceHash
Removes "ID=" from worker name when mining NiceHash
Fixed select payout currency on zpool and zergpool
Payout currency was not properly taken into account previously
Fixed selected display currency in console view
Fixed error shown in console 'cryptonight' when using MPH and NH
You can’t perform that action at this time.