- Clone down this repository and cd into it.
- Once inside this repository, cd into
- Create your virtual environment
python -m venv autosearchenv
- Start virtual environment on Mac
source ./autosearchenv/bin/activate
- Start virtual environment on Windows
source ./autosearchenv/Scripts/activate
- Run
cd ..
You should be in a directory containingrequirements.txt
- Install the app's dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run makemigrations
python manage.py makemigrations autosearchapp
Run migrate
python manage.py migrate
This will create all the migrations needed for Django Framework to post items to the database based on the models in the Models/ directory
- You'll need to creat an account with marketcheck.com and obtain an api key for their 'search api'
Once you have an api key, create a file called 'secrets.py' in the main directory and put your key inside
API_KEY="your API_KEY here"
make sure you're inside of the 'autosearch' directory
python manage.py runserver
Ctrl+C to quit
Go to and create an account
Search for some vehicles and enjoy!