A Jetty-based servlet that serves meta-information about Terasology. It is available for in-game use in JSON format and in HTML format for web browsers.
The server is available at http://meta.terasology.org
hosted by @msteiger. The list of online game servers is hosted on a Amazon EC2 PostgreSQL instance (through Heroku credentials). The server code is mirrored on two backup instances hosted on Heroku:
https://meta-server-test.herokuapp.com (a debug DB also hosted on Amazon)
Heroku: Clone the repository and push the content to Heroku on branch master
. Some details must be provided through environment variables:
DBIP_API_KEY=<get one from db-ip.com>
EDIT_SECRET=<a password only known for admins with write access>
The lookup service by DB-IP.com is used to retrieve additional information on the servers.
The flag icons are from famfamfam.
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.