Welcome to the Lunar Tour API that is part of Fullstack Serverless GraphQL, which teaches you how to build Serverless GraphQL APIs. This API allows users to make bookings to lunar destinations, as well as view lunar holiday activies.
The stack for this API is as follows:
🌟 DynamoDB
What you need to use this Repo:
🧁 An AWS Account
🧁 Serverless Framework
🧁 NodeJS v12.x or above
First clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/Fullstack-Serverless-GraphQL/lunar-tour-api
Then cd into the directory of the project:
cd lunar-tour-api
Once you're in then install the packages using your fav package manager:
yarn install
Now you can open playground on localhost://4000
sls offline
You should be able to run queries and mutations against the API locally now.
This project was scaffolded using the Serverless NodeJS GraphQL Starter