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This repo contains code to create a collection of REST endpoints to manipulate Github repos in the moco-learn-git Github organization using the csdevmv Github user.

Each endpoint will be a separate Docker container that will be stored in AWS ECR and launched as needed by AWS Lambda. AWS API Gateway provide the REST interface to trigger the Lambda functions.

AWS Secrets Manager Setup

In Secrets Manager, reate a new "Other type of secret" named github/csdevmc that contains



In IAM create a Policy named AccessGithubCSdevMCSecret that contains

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue",
      "Resource": "<ARN for github/csdevmc secret>"

Be sure you get the complete ARN - it should end something like secret:github/csdevmc-r4ylAS (note the 6 extra characters after the secret name).

Local Credential Setup

Create a .env file containing AWS credentials that have the AccessGithubCSdevMSecret policy (I used my admin account that has access by default). These credentials will be used inside the Docker containers when we launch them locally.


Test Locally Outside Docker

  • Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
  • Activate VENV and Install required libraries
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Test create_repo (assumes virtual environment is active)
  • Test delete_repo (assumes virtaul environment is active)
python temp

Test Locally in Docker Containers

Based on Testing Images AWS documentation but with environment variables loaded from .env as described in the Docker run documentation.

  • Build the Docker containers

    docker build -t create_repo:latest -f Dockerfile.create_repo .
    docker build -t delete_repo:latest -f Dockerfile.delete_repo .
  • Run the docker containers using the credentials in .env

    docker run --env-file .env -d -p 9000:8080 --name create_repo create_repo:latest
    docker run --env-file .env -d -p 9001:8080 --name delete_repo delete_repo:latest
  • Call the Lambda function inside the containers

    create_container is on port 9000 and requires no data ({}):

    curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{}'

    Look for a 200 status code and check that the repo was created in the moco-learn-git Github organization.

    delete_container is on port 9001 and requires a repo_name as data:

    curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9001/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{"repo_name": "temp"}'

    Look for a 200 status code and check that the repo was delete in the moco-learn-git Github organization.

  • Step and remove the containers

    docker rm -f create_repo
    docker rm -f delete_repo

Build Containers and Deploy to AWS

These steps are based on the AWS Lambda docs and assume you have credentials for all services used.

  • ONE TIME ACTION - Authenticate the Docker CLI to your Amazon ECR registry

    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS Account ID>
  • ONE TIME ACTION - Create repos in ECR

    aws ecr create-repository --region us-east-1 --repository-name create_repo --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE
    aws ecr create-repository --region us-east-1 --repository-name delete_repo --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE
  • Build Docker Containers

    docker build -t create_repo:latest -f Dockerfile.create_repo .
    docker build -t delete_repo:latest -f Dockerfile.delete_repo .
  • Tag the local images to match the ECR repository name

    docker tag create_repo:latest <AWS Account ID>
    docker tag delete_repo:latest <AWS Account ID>
  • Push images to ECR

    docker push <AWS Account ID>
    docker push <AWS Account ID>

Lambda Functions Setup

FIXME: These steps require us to use the Console. Figure out how to create an appropriate role with CloudWatch Logging and the SecretManager access using the CLI.

In the Lambda Console:

  • Create a function based on a container image
    • Name: create_repo
    • Container Image URI: Browse Images and find create_repo and select latest
    • Other options can be defaults, select "Create function"
  • Add the AccessGithubCSdevMCSecret policy to the persmissions
    • Select "Configuration" and "Permissions"
    • Under "Execution role" click on the name of the role (something like create_repo-role-gka0tmkc). This will open an IAM window.
    • Click "Attach Policies" and then select AccessGithubCSdevMCSecret. Click "Attach Policy"
    • Close the IAM window

Repeat these steps to create a Lambda function named delete_repo.

Test Lambda Functions

  • In the Lambda function, click "Test"

  • For create_repo we do not need data, so the HelloWorld template will work.

  • For delete_repo we need

      "repo_name": "temp"

API Gateway Setup

In the API Gateway Console:

  • Click "Create API"
  • Select "Build" under "REST API"
  • API Name: learn-git-katacoda and then click "Create"
  • Under Actions, click "Create Resource" and set the resource name to "create_repo". Click "Create Resource"
  • Make sure create_repo is selected and under Actions click "Create Method". In the drop down, select "GET" and click the check mark. Specify the lambda function as create_repo. When asked, Ok the "add permission to the lambda function."
  • Make sure / is selected and then under Actions repeat the "Create Resource" (delete_repo) and "Create Method" ("POST"). Set this lambda function to delete_repo
  • Under actions select "Deploy API." Specify a "new deployment stage" named "prod"

Test API

In the following, use the URL for the gateway, which is at the top of the page after you deploy.

  • Test the create_repo endpoint

    curl <URL>/prod/create_repo
  • Test the delete_repo endpoing

    curl -XPOST <URL>/prod/delete_repo -d '{"repo_name": "temp"}'

Redeploy Changes

When code changes for either endpoint (examples show create_repo):

  • Rebuild the Docker container

    docker build -t create_repo:latest -f Dockerfile.create_repo .
  • Tag the container with the ECR name

    docker tag create_repo:latest <AWS ACCOUNT ID>
  • Push to ECR

    docker push <AWS ACCOUNT ID>
  • Tell Lambda to use the new image

    aws lambda update-function-code --function-name create_repo --image-uri <AWS ACCOUNT ID>

These steps are all in


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