Displays Pathfinder2e action and reaction buttons.
This module supports Bug Reporter.
Click on this Button in the actors tab.
This should get you your action display
Simply change the number in the fields to the desired amount.
Everything below can be tweaked in the settings
creates a copy of your window, maybe useful for saving configurations.
Opens another another dialog inwhich you can send your dialog to another player at the table. Or send it straight into the chat
Fixes your Actions to that of the actor linked to the window. (Influenced by slowed, quickened, ...) Currently WIP I may have missed many interactions.
- added Show woth Permissions button for colaboration
- added ability to connect a app window with a token
- added basic handling of conditions related to actions
- some small improvements to title logic
- added Duplication button in the header
- more responsive application
- fixed #8
- discontinued support for v9 of Foundry
- fixed V10 manifest warnings #10
- added a Send To Chat Button to the Show Players Dialog
- updated the sidebar icon to pf2e action symbol
- settings are here to stay!
- all buttons can be turned off and on in the settings now
- fixed #15
- added support for v11 of Foundry
- make the amount of actions and reactions based on the selected token
- include better handling
- beautify the Dialog
- better titles
Module FVTT-SelectiveShow under is of the MIT License
thanks for tehguitarist for contributing CSS