This dataset contains:
- more than 55,000 clothing items from
- name, price, discount, rating, url and a list of the url for all of each item's images.
- raw_Data: Contains everything except image urls.
- clean_Data: Contains everything.
- clean_reduced_Data: Contains only names, urls, and image urls.
- 'category product' searches the input category in the website and extracts the name, price, discount, rating and url of each item.
- 'preprocess_clean.ipynb' uses the csv files in the 'raw_Data' folder and finds the image links for each record of the csv file.
- 'Single product image' extracts the image links of the input (have to be set by hand) link.
- 'preprocess_reduce.ipynb' uses the csv files in the 'clean_Data' folder and drops the price, discount and rating columns.