This is a Next.js Social Media Application built with React, Redux, ShadCN and Tailwind CSS. The project features user authentication, post and comment creation, editing, and deletion, user profile image upload, and dark and light mode themes.
- User authentication and authorization
- Post creation, editing, and deletion
- Comment creation, editing, and deletion
- User profile image upload
- Responsive design with mobile-friendly layout
- Dark mode toggle
- Front-end built using Next.js, React, ShadCN, and Tailwind CSS
- State management using Redux Store and Toolkit
- Form handling and validation using Formik and Yup
- Icons and UI components from ShadCN & Lucid UI
The project is organized in a modular structure, with separate folders for:
: contains the application codeapp
: contains the main application componentsassets
: contains static assets such as images and logoscomponents
: contains reusable UI componentshooks
: contains custom hooks for toast notificationslib
: contains Redux code and some other utilities
To run the project locally:
- Clone the repository using
git clone
- Install dependencies using
npm install
- Start the development server using
npm run dev
- Open the application in your browser at