some issues with data used; some issues with not filtering out bad data
Filtered, clean environment data Site_Envi_Data_QC202011_Thais
List of populations and data source for each population
- Entered by Thais in Dec 2020
- Skip the selection line populations - populations whose name ends in an "S"
List of datasources and what filters were applied, data cleaning
- One color for salinity only data NONE
- One color for temperature only data BLUE
- One color for both salinity and temp data GREEN
- "P" for whole-genome samples we have ORANGE "P"
- "C" for sites to collect from based on collaborator info RED "C"
- See if we can add information on:
- general salinity (<15ppt, 15-25, or >25) for the bouy THIS INFO IS IN THE 'TITLE' OF EACH P LOCATION AND UNDER 'SALINITY INFO' FOR EACH C LOCATION (note that data have not been cleaned up for the C locations).
- website link for buoy DONE
- use "datasource" as name in map - DONE
OLD Map of all Wild Populations and their respective environmental data locations FIX THIS LINK
USGS: Flags are:
A Approved for publication, Processing and review completed or
P Provisional data subject to revision. -
NERR data: multiple flags, QC Flags and QC codes are combined; QC may be combined with 1 or more QC codes.
- We focused on the QC Flags & Codes below - exclude and include flags/codes are listed below; NA were flags/codes not encountered in the datasets that we looked at so far.
QC Flags
Each parameter in the exported data file contains a flag column. The flag column, F_param, contains a quality control (QC) flag and may contain additional QC codes. In a chart mouse-over, the QAQC flag and any codes are displayed behind the F_param: designation. Refer to the list below for the available QC flags and their descriptions.
QC Flag | criteria |
-5 Outside high sensor range | exclude |
-4 Outside low sensor range | exclude |
-3 Data rejected due to QAQC | exclude |
-2 Missing data | exclude |
-1 Optional parameter not collected | NA |
0 Passed initial QAQC checks | include |
1 Suspect data | include |
2 Reserved for future use | NA |
3 Calculated data: non-vented depth/level sensor correction for changes in barometric pressure | NA |
4 Historical: Pre-auto QAQC | include |
5 Corrected data | include |
QC Codes by Dataset
- Water Quality:
QC Code | criteria |
General Errors | |
GIC No instrument deployed due to ice | NA |
GIM Instrument malfunction | exclude |
GIT Instrument recording error; recovered telemetry data | exclude |
GMC No instrument deployed due to maintenance/calibration | NA |
GNF Deployment tube clogged / no flow | NA |
GOW Out of water event | NA |
GPF Power failure / low battery | NA |
GQR Data rejected due to QAQC checks | NA |
GSM See metadata | include |
Corrected Depth/Level Data Codes | NA |
GCC Calculated with data that were corrected during QAQC | NA |
GCM Calculated value could not be determined due to missing data | NA |
GCR Calculated value could not be determined due to rejected data | NA |
GCS Calculated value suspect due to questionable data | NA |
GCU Calculated value could not be determined due to unavailable data | NA |
Sensor Errors | |
SBO Blocked optic | NA |
SCF Conductivity sensor failure | NA |
SCS Chlorophyll spike | NA |
SDF Depth port frozen | NA |
SDG Suspect due to sensor diagnostics | NA |
SDO DO suspect | NA |
SDP DO membrane puncture | NA |
SIC Incorrect calibration / contaminated standard | exclude |
SNV Negative value | include for temp, exclude for sal |
SOW Sensor out of water | NA |
SPC Post calibration out of range | exclude |
SQR Data rejected due to QAQC checks | NA |
SSD Sensor drift | exclude |
SSM Sensor malfunction | exclude |
SSR Sensor removed / not deployed | NA |
STF Catastrophic temperature sensor failure | exclude |
STS Turbidity spike | NA |
SWM Wiper malfunction / loss | NA |
Comments | |
CAB* Algal bloom | NA |
CAF Acceptable calibration/accuracy error of sensor | NA |
CAP Depth sensor in water, affected by atmospheric pressure | NA |
CBF Biofouling | exclude |
CCU Cause unknown | exclude |
CDA* DO hypoxia (<3 mg/L) | NA |
CDB* Disturbed bottom | NA |
CDF Data appear to fit conditions | include |
CFK* Fish kill | NA |
CIP* Surface ice present at sample station | NA |
CLT* Low tide | NA |
CMC* In field maintenance/cleaning | exclude |
CMD* Mud in probe guard | NA |
CND New deployment begins | include |
CRE* Significant rain event | include |
CSM* See metadata | exclude |
CTS Turbidity spike | NA |
CVT* Possible vandalism/tampering | NA |
CWD* Data collected at wrong depth | exclude |
CWE* Significant weather event | NA |
*Indicates comments that can be applied to an entire record in the F_Record column.
- Mean_Annual_Temperature_C : average of all available data
- Mean_max_temperature_C : average of (maximums for each year)
- Mean_min_temperature_C : average of (minimums for each year)
- Temperature_st_dev: SD of all available data (if only daily averages are reported separately from mean/max daily this SD could be biased)
- Temperature_n: number of datapoints
- Temperature_years: number of years
no longer including the following 3: - dd_0: number of days where temp fell below 0
- dd_15: number of days where temp above 15C
- dd_30: number of days where temp above 30C
- Mean_Annual_Salinity_ppt : average of all available data
- Salinity_st_dev : SD of all available data (if only daily averages are reported separately from mean/max daily this SD could be biased)
- Mean_min_Salinity_ppt : average of (minimums for each year)
- Mean_max_Salinity_ppt : average of (maximums for each year)
- Salinity_n: number of datapoints
- Salinity_years: number of years
- NJ_DB_CS_Med_W
- ME_SR_SM_Low_W
- NY_LI_LH_High_W
- NY_LI_CM_High_W