🌱 I’m currently learning Full Stack,DSA
👯 I’m interested in WebD,AI,ML,CP,AppD
👨💻 About Me
Project Name | Description |
ShoppieShop | An eCommerce website made using MERN Stack . With this service, customers can search their products by category and add the products to their carts, pay using PayPal or debit cards, and purchase the items. |
BAATचीत | BAATचीत is a cross-platform chat application built using React Native , Node.js , Express.js and MongoDB . The application provides a seamless chatting experience with features such as text messaging, emojis, and image sharing. It also includes a home page, chat page, and a friend request page for a comprehensive social experience. |
Textify | Textify allows you to modify your text according to your needs. Besides writing, you can even record your text.The preview section allows you to copy or print your text by clicking on the copy icon or the print icon respectively. It also counts the words, characters, and minutes spent reading. It uses ReactJs and Material UI . |
My Portfolio | Portfolio Website made using ReactJS and Material UI |
Microsoft Teams Attendance Automator | This attendance automator manifests the meeting organizers to easily sort the absentees and presentees according to their scholar number. It also generates attendance of each student in percentage and highlights it if it is less than the threshold value. |