A Docker container for running a dedicated NOLF1 server under Wine, built from jlesage/docker-baseimage-gui, with Alpine as the base OS. Since the NOLF series is currently abandonware, I have decided to include the game files from the GOTY edition within the container, bringing its size up to 1.66GB
. The container also includes the latest version of Modernizer (1.006 with Patch 3.1
) pre-installed. Due to this you can simply pull this container and have a functioning server without needing to supply any additional files.
version: "3.8"
image: ghcr.io/mistercalvin/nolf-server:latest
container_name: nolf-server
- "TZ=" # Optional: Timezone for any log data inside container; Default: unset
- "USER_ID=1000" # Optional: Set the UID for the user inside the container; Default: 1000
- "GROUP_ID=1000" # Optional: Set the GID for the user inside the container; Default: 1000
- "KEEP_APP_RUNNING=1" # Optional: Restart app inside the container if it has crashed; Default: 1
- "DISPLAY_WIDTH=800" # Optional: Display height of the server application inside the container; Default: 800
- "DISPLAY_HEIGHT=600" # Optional: Display width of the server application inside the container; Default: 600
- "SERVER_NAME=A Docker NOLF Server" # Required: The name of your server (<= 24 Characters); Default: A NOLF Docker Server
- "SERVER_PASSWORD=" # Optional: Password for your server; Default: unset
- "SERVER_PORT=27888" # Required: Port the server will use; Default: 278888
- "MAX_PLAYERS=8" # Required: Max Players for Server; Default: 8
- "GAMETYPE=2" # 1 = Required: H.A.R.M vs. UNITY, 2 = DeathMatch; Default: 2
- "DISABLE_WIZARD=False" # Optional: Disable server wizard on startup; Default: False
- "CUSTOM_REZ=" # Optional: Any custom rez files, separated by a space (case-sensitive, WITHOUT file extension); Default: unset
- "ADDITIONAL_ARGS=" # Optional: Additional game arguments; Default: unset
- nolf-config:/config
- /path/to/your/customrez/files:/container/.wine/drive_c/nolf/custom/ # Directory for custom rez files you wish to load
- 27888-27889:27888-27889/udp # Query + Game
- 5800:5800 # Server web management GUI
restart: unless-stopped
name: nolf-config
docker run -d \
--name=nolf-server \
-e TZ="UTC" \
-e USER_ID="1000" \
-e GROUP_ID="1000" \
-e DISPLAY_WIDTH="800" \
-e SERVER_NAME="A Docker NOLF Server" \
-e SERVER_PORT="27888" \
-e MAX_PLAYERS="8" \
-e GAMETYPE="2" \
-e CUSTOM_REZ="" \
-p 27888-27889:27888-27889/udp \
-p 5800:5800 \
-v nolf-config:/config \
-v /path/to/your/customrez/files:/container/.wine/drive_c/nolf/custom/ \
--restart unless-stopped \
Once the container is online you can access the web interface via the default port of 5800
. If you wish to password protect this page take a look here for steps on how to do so.
NOLF requires Base Port + 1 (Default port is 27888
, so 27888-27889/udp
Port | Default |
Query | 27888/udp |
Join | 27889/udp |
If you change the default server port you must change it on both sides of the container (e.g., if you choose port 27895
, the port section of your compose file or run command will need to be 27895-27896:27895-27896/udp
The container allows you to modify the UID & GID of the user (app
) inside the container. If you would like to know more, please see this page for more information on the topic. If you are unsure of what this is I recommend leaving USER_ID
at their default values of 1000
, or omitting them from your Docker compose files or run commands.
If you intend to build the Dockerfile yourself, I have not pinned the packages as Alpine does not keep old packages. At the time of writing (2023/11/16) I have built and tested the container with the following package versions:
Package | Version |
i386/alpine | 3.18.4 |
wine | 8.19-r0 |
xvfb-run | |
wget | |
cabextract | 1.11-r1 |
I have not include the necessary game files in the repo, they are only available inside the container. If you wish to build this image you will need to supply your own NOLF files, be sure to copy gamefiles/NetHost.txt
and gamefiles/startup.txt
from this repo to ensure the startup script works correctly.
Server passwords do not work. I included the functionality for them inside the container startup script, but anyone will be able to join your server without supplying a password. If you have a fix for this please contact me and I will update the image.
Under game options, Server Address will show the internal IP of the container rather than your public IP address. You can fix this by setting
network_mode: host
inside your compose file but I don't recommend this. This doesn't affect gameplay or server operation at all, only mentioning it here for reference. Will look in to a fix in the future. -
The image has additional environment variables you can customize, take a look at this page for more information. I have not tested the container with any variables other than what is defined in this repo; use these at your own risk.
will ensure the server restarts automatically if it crashes. However if you have not disabled the server wizard (DISABLE_WIZARD="True"
) it will restart to directly to the wizard GUI. Consider setting up your server using the GUI, then disabling the wizard for unattended server reboots. -
You can pass additional arguments to the server using
in your compose file or run command. For example, to enable friendly-fire and turn on Audio Taunts, you could addADDITIONAL_ARGS="-NetFriendlyFire 1.0 -NetAudioTaunts 1"
to your compose file or run command. See below for all valid arguments:
General Commands (compiled by "ShagnWagn"):
* -NetDefaultWeapon: This is used to set the default weapon players get when
the respawn. Valid values:
20 = None
21 = Shepard Arms P38 9mm Pistol
22 = Petri .38 Airweight Revolver
23 = Braun 9mm Parabellum
24 = Gordon 9mm SMG
25 = Hampton MPL 9mm SMG
26 = AK-47 Assault Rifle
27 = Sportsman EX Crossbow
28 = Hampton Carbine
29 = Geldmacher SVD Sniper Rifle
30 = Morris Model 14 Spear Gun
31 = Laser Gun
32 = Super Atomic Laser Weapon
33 = Bacalov Corrector
34 = M79 Grenade Launcher
35 = Briefcase
36 = Lipstick Impact Explosive
37 = Lipstick Proximity Explosive
38 = Lipstick Timed Explosive
39 = Sleeping Gas
40 = Stun Gas
41 = Acid Gas
42 = Belt Buckle/Zipcord
* -NetHitLocation: Turns location-based damage on/off (0=off, 1=on).
* -NetFragScore: Turns frag scoring in H.A.R.M. vs UNITY games on/off (0=off,
* -RunSpeed: Used to adjust the run speed. This value represents a percent
of the normal run speed. Valid values: 0.5-1.5 (i.e., 50-150%).
* -NetFallDamageScale: Percentage of fall damage players take. Valid values:
0.0-1.0 (i.e., 0-100%)
* -RespawnScale: Used to adjust the rate at which powerups respawn. This
value represents a percent of the normal respawn time.
Valid values: 0.5-1.5 (i.e., 50-150%).
* -NetArmorHealthPercent: Used to give players a health bonus when they pick
up armor powerups. This value represents a percent
of the armor value that should be given to the player
as a health bonus. Valid values: 0.0-1.0 (i.e.,
* -NetFriendlyFire: Turns friendly-fire on/off in H.A.R.M. vs UNITY games
(0=off, 1=on).
* -NetIntelScore: This represents how much "capturing" on intelligence item
is worth in H.A.R.M. vs UNITY games. Valid values: 5-50.
* -NetAudioTaunts: This is used to enable/disable audio taunts. (0=off, 1=on).
* -NetEndFrags: This represents the winning score in Deathmatch games. Valid
values: 5-50.
* -NetEndScore: This represents the winning score in H.A.R.M. vs UNITY games.
Valid values: 30-200
* -NetEndTime: This represents the length of time (in minutes) each level
last. Valid values: 5-60
* -NetCAGameEnd: Level ending conditions for H.A.R.M. vs UNITY games. Valid
0 = Score Reached
1 = Time Limit Reached
2 = Score or Time Limit Reached
3 = None
* NetDMGameEnd: Level ending conditions for Deathmatch games. Valid values:
0 = Frag Limit Reached
1 = Time Limit Reached
2 = Frag or Time Limit Reached
3 = None
* NetWeaponStay: Toggles weapons instantly respawning after they are picked
up. (0=off, 1=on).
Please note - if you change a setting via ADDITIONAL_ARGS
and then later remove it your server will continue to use the old value until you overwrite it. If you're having issues with any arguments take a look at NetHost.txt
inside the main directory of the container.