This is an extension on the original chromadb npm package to enable the ability to use private single-instance Chroma instances to utilize authentication during their requests.
Chroma needs to be running in order for this client to talk to it. Please see the 🧪 Usage Guide to learn how to quickly stand this up.
import { ChromaClientExtended } from "chromadb-extended";
const chroma = new ChromaClient({
path: "http://localhost:8000",
fetchOptions: {
headers: {
'X-Api-Token': "sk-live-Hunt3r2", // Works like regular node-fetch headers!
// Now use as you normally would use chromadb
await client.reset()
await client.heartbeat()
await client.getOrCreateCollection({ name: "test" });
await client.listCollections()
const collection = await client.getCollection({ name: 'test' })
await collection.count()
await collection.add({ ids, embeddings, metadatas })
// etc etc
Apache 2.0