Based on an empty Laravel 5.8, this repository shows how the Spatie Media Library could handle a polymorphic many to many DB.
git clone
composer install
npm install
php artisan key:generate
Follow the install instructions to init Laravel, copy the .env.example file to a .env file and set your database information to get started. Then generate the data to it via
php artisan migrate --seed
A Mediable table is added to have a many-to-many polymorphic relationship possible to any model that has a media :
Schema::create('mediables', function (Blueprint $table) {
To add the possibility for the models to have this polymorphic link, we create a trait :
namespace App\Traits;
trait HasMediaTuto
* @return mixed
public function medias()
return $this->morphToMany(\App\Media::class, 'mediable');
And in any model plus your user model : use HasMediaTuto
👤 Epistol
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