This is a our project for the Introduction to Database Systems course taken during fall 2022 semester.
A Game rental Software Application using C# programming language
Game rental is a risk-free way to try new games . Because it's so much cheaper than buying.
Each game has a vendor who has the responsibility of developing the game.
The admin of the system is responsible for adding the games to be rented out by the clients.
A games rental system should include the following functionalities :
- Signing up a new user ( e.g. admin , client )
- Updating a user details
- Adding a game ( by admin )
- Updating a game details ( by admin )
- Browsing games Showing a list of games that satisfy certain criteria ( e.g. year , vendor , category ... )
- Performing operations on games : renting , returning . We draw the ERD for this project using PowerDesigner
Here is the link of the --> ERD
We converted the ERD to physical model (DDL scripts)
Here is the link of the --> SQL Script
We developped the software application using C# and connected the database to be able to perform all the application functions like: sign-in, add game, update game and browse all games that are stored in our database.
3. Open the Solution file and change the 'Data Source' value in the _sqlcon string in "sqlCon.cs" file to the name of your server.
internal class sqlCon
static string _sqlcon = @"Data Source=SeverName; Initial Catalog=Game-Over; Integrated Security=True";
public static string sqlcon
get => _sqlcon;
To Run the Program here is the default user name and password:
username: michael
password: michael1234