feat: support new GitHub merge box #27
Mergify / Mergify Merge Protections
Dec 12, 2024 in 1s
3 applicable rules, 3 validating requirements
Merge Protections
Your pull request matches the following merge protections and will not be merged until they are valid.
🟢 Changelog requirements
Wonderful, this rule succeeded.
- any of:
label = skip changelog
-title ~= ^feat
label = need changelog
🟢 Enforce conventional commit
Wonderful, this rule succeeded.
Make sure that we follow https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
title ~= ^(fix|feat|docs|style|refactor|perf|test|build|ci|chore|revert)(?:\(.+\))?:
🟢 🔎 Reviews
Wonderful, this rule succeeded.
#changes-requested-reviews-by = 0
#review-requested = 0
#review-threads-unresolved = 0