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volcalc 2.0.0

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@Aariq Aariq released this 22 Sep 13:33

This version includes big (breaking) changes in how the package works! Please
read the changelog below carefully and check function documentation and examples
to see the new usage of functions.

  • Change output of get_fx_groups() and calc_vol() from data frame to tibble
  • get_fx_groups() and calc_vol() no longer depend on KEGG or take KEGG compound IDs or pathway IDs. Instead, calc_vol() accepts a path to a .mol file as input.
  • calc_vol() is vectorized and accepts multiple compounds as input.
  • Moved SIMPOL.1 calculations out of calc_vol() and into to their own function, simpol1(), to pave the way for future expansions using other methods. The "manual" workflow is now .mol file |> ChemmineR::read.SDFset() |> get_fx_groups() |> simpol1()
  • The output of calc_vol() (and simpol1()) now contains a column called log10_P instead of log_Sum, equivalent to log_Sum + the coefficient for b_0(T)
  • Output of calc_vol() now contains a column with the inputs, named whatever is supplied to from (eg. a column called mol_path containing paths to mol files)
  • A new function, get_mol_kegg(), replaces save_compound_mol() for downloading mol files from KEGG
  • Added pkgdown website
  • get_fx_groups() now only counts the smallest set of smallest rings (#57)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the number of phenols to be miscounted. Rather than counting phenols, get_fx_groups now counts aromatic hydroxyl groups (e.g. phenols) to more closely align with Pankow & Asher (2008) (#46)
  • package now has a hex logo!
  • Fixes a bug in volcalc introduced by a bug-fix in ChemmineR v3.53.1 (#54)
  • The volatility column in the output of calc_vol() has been renamed to rvi (relative volatility index)