- Massachusetts
- https://www.maximilianlitteral.com
- @JediMax@mastodon.social
Swift package with helper classes to organize work pool draining
Network reachability based on Apple's "NWPathMonitor"
A dependency management library inspired by SwiftUI's "environment."
Overlay for running GPU shaders on top of Windows desktop
A library of fragment shaders you can use in any SpriteKit project.
A demo app to explore how various parameter settings of VNDetectRectanglesRequest effect observation output.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
A modern, expressive testing package for Swift
Show Apple Intelligence Keyboard everywhere!
UIViewKit is a Swift tool for easy UIKit view design, blending InterfaceBuilder's ease with Swift type checks. It mirrors SwiftUI's look and provides quick methods for attributes, outlets, and cons…
UITableViewController and UICollectionViewController based on a DiffableDataSource.
Automatically adjusts the view controller stack to the appropriate position when the UISplitViewController collapses or expands.
A complete Homebridge plugin for SimpliSafe 3.
Create type-safe deep links in to iOS apps, macOS apps, and websites using Swift macros.
Apple Home Key Reader Implementation
A collection of awesome things regarding Valve's Steam Deck
A library that helps you isolate CloudKit dependency and write testable code using CloudKit.
A Finder extension for changing folder colors
Swift package that makes it easier to write CloudKit sync-enabled, offline-capable apps
Signed is a 3D modeling and construction language based on Lua and SDFs. Signed will be available for macOS and iOS and is heavily optimized for Metal.