Collect information about your cloud infrastructure in one place
You need to have configured Kubernetes cluster
You need to have aws-credentials secret in the k8s to mount in the API pod. There is a helper script for it: charts/scripts/ This script will create aws-credentials secret from your ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials.
IMPORTANT: Please check you connected to correct k8s cluster to avoid a leak of your credentials.
Add service account in your GCP console. For scan all resources you should select Project -> Viewer role. If you don't need all resources, just select required services and use viewer option.
For scanning multiple projects you have two options:
- Create service account in every project
- Create service account in one project and add this role as an IAM for other required projects.
After you have required service account(s) you need to create keys and create secret from them. On the service account page use Create Action -> Create key option, select json format and save the file in the ~/.gcp/credentials If you're using multiple service account save all keys in ~/.gcp/credentials. Names of the files is not important.
Use charts/scripts/ script for create gcp-credentials secret.
Alternatively, you can create secret manually with k8s command:
kubectl create secret generic gcp-credentials --from-file=$FILENAME=$GCPCREDENTIALS/$FILENAME
./gradlew installElasticsearchChart
./gradlew helmInstall
From the charts/cloud-resource-dashboard run:
helm dependency build
helm install cloud-resource-dashboard .
./gradlew installElasticsearchChart
./gradlew runWeb
or (requires nodejs and npm installed)
cd web
npm run start
or (requires previous + angular cli installed)
cd web
ng s
It will be run with current AWS account settings
./gradlew runWeb