One File 3D World: Simple OpenGL C++ project rendering 3D shapes with basic lighting and textures.
CPP Until I Lose My Mind: A series of C++ programs ranging from simple to complex, created for my YouTube channel.
OpenUniverse: An open-source implementation of a 3D Computer Universe based on FA-Engine. ⭐
Float Arts Engine (FA-Engine): OpenGL Python 3D Engine, a complete voxel engine with various capabilities and features.
IRIS-GUI: A graphical machine learning program written using Tkinter and the scikit-learn library.
The Jumon Runner: A game made with the Pygame library where the main character, Matin, must escape from spells (Jumons) to survive.
KeysBox: A password manager written in Python that encrypts and stores your information using Fernet.
CalCul: An engineering calculator built with Python and Tkinter.
Localmap: A security tool for scanning local networks, capable of finding all active hosts, open ports, MAC addresses, manufacturers, and operating systems.
A screenshot of OpenUniverse:
You can reach me via email: [email protected]