A simple Bookstore application that allows a user to:
- Add a new book
- Delete an existing book
- View a listing of all books
- Search for the listing of a specific book (by title, author or keyword)
bookstore.py – main script for the bookstore, has main() function.
file_io.py - module to read/write books from file in json format and convert it between json and a Python list of dictionaries.
user_action.py - module to handle each of the User Actions.
The inventory of books must be stored in a .json file (i.e., bookstore.json) - User specifies the name when running program.
The .json file contains a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents the book and has the following key/value pairs:
- title
- author
- year
- isbn
- description
The user will be prompted to perform one of the following actions:
- Add Book (a)
- Delete Book (d)
- View Book Summary (s)
- Search Book by Title (t)
- Search Book by Author (u)
- Search Book by Keyword (k)
- Quit (q) The user will be continually prompted for the above options until the Quit (q) option is selected.
Add Book Action
The user will be prompted for the following information:
- Title – letters (upper and lower), digits and spaces.
- Author – letters (upper and lower) and spaces
- Year – Four digits and greater than 1900.
- ISBN – Four to eighteen (inclusive) AND must be unique (no other books can have this ISBN).
- Description – Any character up to 128 characters in length.
The bookstore.py script takes one command line argument containing the filepath of the json file, for example:
python bookstore.py file.json