NOTE: This is a work-in-progress, but there was enough demand that folks weren't willing to wait for a polished version in a week's time.
The REST portions of the SFC demo's have not been ported yet. For that you will have to use POSTMAN: https://www.getpostman.com/collections/8426b2080f8ef6472eb3
All demos are provided as is, until this disclaimer is removed
This is a demonstration/development environment for show-casing OpenDaylight GroupBasedPolicy (GBP) with ServiceFunctionChaining (SFC)
Note: requirements will become more flexible as the environment is improved
The first time installing may take some time, with vagrant and docker image downloads. After the first time it is very quick.
- Set up Vagrant.
- Edit env.sh for NUM_NODES. (Keep all other vars the same for this version)
- Each VM takes approximately 1G RAM, 2GB used HDD (40GB)
- demo-gbp1: 3 VMs.
- demo-symmetric-chain: 6 VMs.
- demo-asymmetric-chain: 6 VMs.
- From the directory you cloned into:
source ./env.sh
vagrant up
- This takes a while. Could be an hour?
- Start controller.
- Currently it is expected that that controller runs on the host, hosting the VMs. This will change.
- Tested using groupbasedpolicy stable/lithium.
- Start controller and install following features:
feature:install odl-groupbasedpolicy-ofoverlay odl-groupbasedpolicy-ui odl-restconf
- demo-gbp1:
- 8 docker containers in 2 x EPGs (web, client)
- contract with ICMP and HTTP
- demo-symmetry:
- 8 docker containers in 2 x EPGs (web, client)
- contract with ICMP (ALLOW) and HTTP (CHAIN, where Client request is chained, Web reverse path is reverse path of chain)
- demo-asymmetry:
- 8 docker containers in 2 x EPGs (web, client)
- contract with ICMP (ALLOW) and HTTP (CHAIN, where Client request is chained, Web reverse path is ALLOW)
- gbpsfc1: gbp
- gbpsfc2: gbp
- gbpsfc3: gbp
- h35_{x} are in EPG:client
- h36_{x} are in EPG:web
To run, from host folder where Vagrantfile located do:
./startdemo.sh demo-gbp1
To test:
vagrant ssh gbpsfc1
sudo -E bash
docker ps
docker attach h36_{x}
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
docker attach h35_{x}
while true; do curl; done
ovs-dpctl dump-flows
Repeat for each of gbpsfc2, gbpsfc3.
When finished from host folder where Vagrantfile located do:
If you like vagrant destroy
will remove all VMs.
#demo-symmetric-chain / demo-asymmetric-chain
- gbpsfc1: gbp
- gbpsfc2: sff
- gbpsfc3: "sf"
- gbpsfc4: sff
- gbpsfc5: "sf"
- gbpsfc6: gbp
- h35_{x} are in EPG:client
- h36_{x} are in EPG:web
To run, from host folder where Vagrantfile located do:
./startdemo.sh demo-symmetric-chain
| demo-asymmetric-chain
For now, go through each POSTMAN entry in the folder for the demo. This will be ported.
To test:
vagrant ssh gbpsfc1
sudo -E bash
docker ps
docker attach h36_2
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
docker attach h35_2
while true; do curl; done
ovs-dpctl dump-flows
Repeat for gbpsfc6
Connect to other nodes and trace flows:
ovs-dpctl dump-flows
When finished from host folder where Vagrantfile located do:
If you like vagrant destroy
will remove all VMs