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The Maze

Maze analyzer, editor and game.

![License]( GPL v3-blue.svg) Build Status Version

This project is series of tasks for MI-PYT subject from FIT CTU in Prague.

Analysis takes a maze (matrix of numbers), where:

  • wall (impassable cell) -> number < 0
  • accessible cell -> number >= 0
  • goal cell -> number == 1 (one or more)

Analysis of maze produces an object with (original task formulation):

  • attribute distances = each cell contains shortest path len to (some) goal (goal contains 0). If it is not possible to get to any goal from the cell or the cell is a wall, then value is -1.
  • attribute directions = visualizes the path to goal via '<', '>', 'v', '^' characters, 'X' for goal cell, '#' for wall and ' ' (space) for cells without path to any goal.
  • attribute is_reachable = single truth value if any goal is reachable from all non-wall cells.
  • method path(row, column) = build array of coords representing the shorest path (or one of shortests paths if there are more). If no path exists from specified start, then NoPathExistsException is raised.

Maze GUI is PyQt simple user interface for creating, browsing, storing and loading mazes.


Module is developed for Python 3.5 (update or use venv if you don't have this version of Python). Then you can install dependencies via:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For speedup is analysis written in Cython so you need to compile it with via:

python develop


python install


Maze analysis

>>> from maze import analyze
>>> a = analyze([[5,-1,1,],[7,-1,7],[3,3,3]])
>>> a
<maze.MazeAnalysis object at 0x7f44dbd99e10>
>>> a.distances
array([[ 6, -1,  0],
       [ 5, -1,  1],
       [ 4,  3,  2]], dtype=int16)
>>> a.directions
array([[b'v', b'#', b'X'],
       [b'v', b'#', b'^'],
       [b'>', b'>', b'^']], 
>>> a.is_reachable
>>> a.path(0,0)
[(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (1, 2), (0, 2)]
>>> a.path(1,1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/sushi/Projects/CVUT/PYT-Maze/", line 43, in path
    raise NoPathExistsException

Maze GUI

python -m maze

Within GUI you can:

  • create new maze (with specified width, height and fill type)
  • load/save maze to/from file
  • add elements to the maze (grass, walls, goals, dudes)
    • elements can be dragged by holding mouse button, moving and then releasing the button
    • removing element by putting grass on that field
  • zoom in/out (via toolbar actions and/or Ctrl + <wheel>)
  • there is some info with credits and info in About (F1)
  • shortest path show up (if exists) for each dude in maze
  • there is some useful basic information in the status bar (position, size, ...)

Game mode

You can switch from edit mode to game mode (Ctrl+SPACE) where is your task to protect the castle (or more castles) against dudes by building and destroying simple walls (not strong walls). When any dude reaches any goal game end. By the way, you cannot cut dude from goal - it would be too simple!

Types of dudes (enemies):

  • Speedy - In free time Speedy exercise a lot and thanks to that he is constantly 75% faster than other dudes (except Accel'e'rator).
  • Acccel'e'rator - His only desire is to reach the castle first. At start it might doesn't look that way, but beware - he can speed up a lot! At each step he can increase his speed by 20% of default speed with probability 10%. His maximal speed is 80% faster then other dudes (except Speedy).
  • Le Parkour - Usually hangs out in big cities so walls are not and obstacle for him. He can simply jump over 1 wall after walking at least 5 steps if place behind the wall is accessible and closer to the goal. But can't jump to place closer to goal by more than 5 steps.
  • Tele del Porto - He has incalculable abilty to teleport himself just by the force of his own will to random accessible place with probability 20%. His will is usually kinda weak so the place can be closer and also farther to the goal but never closer than 5 steps. Minimal distance of the teleportation is 5. Teleportation can fail if Tele is unable to pick suitable target within 100 random picks, then he will only shiver.
  • Scatterbrain - Total lunetic who escaped asylum. His best friend is chaos so he can choose other direction than is the shortest one with probability 25%.


After installing dependencies and compilation you can run (analysis) tests with pytest:

python -m pytest


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 License - see the LICENSE file for more details.


Maze analyzer, editor and game (MI-PYT @ FIT CTU)







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