Anki Helper is a simple command line tool that can help you learn and memorize new words and phrases using Anki. With just a few simple steps, you can set up Anki Helper to automatically create flashcards from new words you encounter while reading or listening to English.
These flashcards will then be added to your Anki deck for review later. New languages will be supported soon
you can install this project with go
go install
You can also install a compiled binary to your machine and then put it in your shell path.
Go to the releases page and choose the option that best fits your environment.
To get started, visit the project's wiki. There you will find instructions on how to set up your Anki and how to configure Anki-helper, in a simple and fast way.
You can easilly insert flashcards on anki using anki-helper.
anki-helper ankiInsert
# Or if you want to specify how many flashcards you wanna insert on anki, use the -i flag
anki-helper ankiInsert -i 10
You can run this command to add
a word to your track file
anki-helper add 'sentence'
you can also use the command dictionary
to get the definitions of a sentence (works for words and phrasal verbs)
anki-helper dictionary 'sentence'