Cross platform C# framework for talking to connected devices such as Usb, and Hid devices.
Version 3.0 is out! Please grab the NuGet and report issues in the issues section. See Release Notes
This library provides a common Task based Async interface across platforms and device types. This allows for dependency injection so that different types of devices can be used on any platform with the same code. The supported device types are Hid, and USB. Other device types such as Bluetooth and so on may be added in future. Hid.Net is specifically for Hid devices that may be Usb devices. Usb.Net is specifically for Usb devices that don't have a Hid interface. Please visit the documentation page. Would you you like to contribute?
Platform | Device Types |
.NET Framework | Hid, USB |
.NET Core | Hid, USB |
Android | USB |
UWP | Hid, USB |
Linux, MacOS* | USB (Via LibUsbDotNet) |
Important! Before trying this code, see the above Quick Start
Example Code:
public async Task InitializeTrezorAsync()
//Register the factories for creating Usb devices. This only needs to be done once.
WindowsUsbDeviceFactory.Register(Logger, Tracer);
WindowsHidDeviceFactory.Register(Logger, Tracer);
//Define the types of devices to search for. This particular device can be connected to via USB, or Hid
var deviceDefinitions = new List<FilterDeviceDefinition>
new FilterDeviceDefinition{ DeviceType= DeviceType.Hid, VendorId= 0x534C, ProductId=0x0001, Label="Trezor One Firmware 1.6.x" },
new FilterDeviceDefinition{ DeviceType= DeviceType.Usb, VendorId= 0x1209, ProductId=0x53C1, Label="Trezor One Firmware 1.7.x" },
new FilterDeviceDefinition{ DeviceType= DeviceType.Usb, VendorId= 0x1209, ProductId=0x53C0, Label="Model T" }
//Get the first available device and connect to it
var devices = await DeviceManager.Current.GetDevicesAsync(deviceDefinitions);
var trezorDevice = devices.FirstOrDefault();
await trezorDevice.InitializeAsync();
//Create a buffer with 3 bytes (initialize)
var buffer = new byte[64];
buffer[0] = 0x3f;
buffer[1] = 0x23;
buffer[2] = 0x23;
//Write the data to the device and wait for the response
var readBuffer = await trezorDevice.WriteAndReadAsync(buffer);
All my libraries are open source and free. Your donations will contribute to making sure that these libraries keep up with the latest firmware, functions are implemented, and the quality is maintained.
Coin | Address |
Bitcoin | 33LrG1p81kdzNUHoCnsYGj6EHRprTKWu3U |
Ethereum | 0x7ba0ea9975ac0efb5319886a287dcf5eecd3038e |
Litecoin | MVAbLaNPq7meGXvZMU4TwypUsDEuU6stpY |
Hardfolio - Cryptocurrency portfolio app for hardwarewallets. Hid.Net started its life as a project inside the Hardfolio app codebase. The original aim of this app was to support multiple hardwarewallets across multiple platforms. It turned out that Hid.Net and Usb.Net were warranted as libraries in their own right because there really is not other library on the internet that supports all the platforms that were needed for Hardfolio.
Human Interface Device Wikipedia Page - Good for understanding the difference between the meaning of the two terms: USB and Hid.
USB human interface device class Wikipedia Page - as above
USB Wikipedia Page - as above
Jax Axelson's USB Page - General C# USB Programming