Welcome to my dotfiles repository. At the moment of writing this text I'm using ArchLinux as my main distribution, but I use some of the configs on debian machines as well.
Purpose | Program |
Browser | Firefox |
Terminal emulator | alacritty |
Email client | emacs |
Email backend | maildir |
Email sync | isync |
Terminal file manager | vifm |
GUI file manager | thunar |
Torrent client | Transmission |
Video player | mpv |
Audio player | mopidy + mpd + mpc |
Screen lock | slock |
Window Manager | bspwm |
Display manager | ly |
Bar | polybar |
Key daemon | sxhkd |
Launcher | rofi |
Editor | emacs |
Dotfile manager | yadm |
- neovim
- i3
- bspwm
- sxhkd
- alacritty
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- conky
- mpd
- AUR related things
Binding | Action |
MOD + Return | Open terminal window |
MOD + F1 | Open browser |
MOD + F2 | Open terminal file manager |
MOD + Shift + F2 | Open gui file manager |
MOD + F3 | Open email client |
MOD + F4 | Open emacs |
MOD + d | Open launcher |
MOD + Meta + l | Lock the screen |
MOD + Meta + q | Quit window manager |
MOD + Meta + r | Restart window manager |
MOD + Q | Kill node |
MOD + {h,j,k,l} | Switch focus |
MOD + Shift + {h,j,k,l} | Move nodes |
MOD + [ | Move node to monitor to the left |
MOD + ] | Move node to monitor to the right |
MOD + Tab | Focus previous desktop |
MOD + [0-9] | Switch to desktop |
MOD + Shift + [0-9] | move node to desktop |
MOD + D | Create new desktop |
MOD + E | Edit configuration files |
- push all existing configs (most of the time they are unstaged mess)
Run CTRL+R inside firefox
xdotool search --onlyvisible --class "Firefox" windowfocus key --window %@ 'ctrl+r'