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Ray Tracing Scala

This repository hosts my take on Ray Tracing in One Weekend Book Series using Scala and functional programming.

The goal behind this project is really just:

  1. Further develop my Scala and Functional Programming skills
  2. Try out Scala tools, such as:
    1. ScalaTest for testing
    2. Scalafmt for linting and formatting
  3. Have some fun with basic Computer Graphics

This document is divided in 3 sections (one for each book of the series). In each section you'll find the generated image after each new feature implementation as well as a brief explanation of my implementation.

⚠️ Code snippets on this README are simplified for readibility reasons ⚠️

1. Outputing an image

Everytime you need to create a file and write some content to it, you always end up Googling how to do it. In an effort to save you some time, take a look at How to write to a File in Scala and the PPM file format specification

The .ppm file format

In a nutshell the PPM file specification consists of a grid of colors. The colors can be represented in RGB or any other format, but let's keep in simple with RGB (0-255) Take a look at the following example from Wikipedia:

# "P3" means this is a RGB color image in ASCII 
# "3 2" is the width and height of the image in pixels
# "255" is the maximum value for each color
# This, up through the "255" line below are the header.
# Everything after that is the image data: RGB triplets.
# In order: red, green, blue, yellow, white, and black.
3 2         
255   0   0   0 255   0   0   0 255
255 255   0 255 255 255   0   0   0

which will show up as:

Defining the Color and Image case class

We'll be using Scala's case class, object and enum, just because they seem to be better suited for FP data modeling

Defining a Color is pretty straightforward, and you can use a companion object to declare static like functions and constants.

case class Color (red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int)

object Color:
  val BYTE_SIZE = 255
  def white: Color = Color(255, 255, 255)
  def black: Color = Color(0, 0, 0)
end Color

we can then override the toString method to make the code easier to read:

override def toString: String = s"$red $green $blue"

We'll need a data structure to model an image, something like this should do the trick:

case class Image(width: Int, height: Int, content: Seq[Seq[Color]] = Seq.empty)

We can then declare some methods to write the Image's content to a file:

def rowToString(row: Seq[Color]): String = row
  .foldLeft("")((accRow, byte) => s"$accRow$byte ")

def write(writer: PrintWriter): Unit =
  // header
  writer.write(s"P3\n$width $height\n${Color.BYTE_SIZE}\n")
  // content
The rainbow effect

Just for fun, let's create a rainbow effect given the Image's height and width. This is an excellent case to use Seq.tabulate.

def fillRainbow(): Image = copy(
  content = Seq.tabulate[Color](this.height, this.width)((h: Int, w: Int) =>
    val r = w.toDouble / (this.width - 1)
    val g = (this.height - 1 - h).toDouble / (this.width - 1)
    val b = 0.25
    Color.fromRatio(r, g, b)

2. The Vec3 class

This part is very similar to the original approach in C++, just take a look at the Vec3.scala file, and you'll quickly grasp this data structure.

However, unlike the original approach Vec3 is not used for colors, just 3-dimensional vectors and coordinates.

3. Rays, camera and Background

Declaring a ray function ($P(t) = A + tb$), where:

  • $A$ is the ray's origin
  • $b$ is the ray's direction

is as easy as:

case class Ray(origin: Vec3, direction: Vec3):
  def at(t: Double): Vec3 = origin + t * direction

Now we just need to calculate the linear interpolation between white and blue given the ray's direction y-axis value (which will be a value between -1 and 1). Take a look at Color.lerpStart to better understand the implementation details, but in a nutshell it's just an implementation of the following formula:

$$ color = (1 − t) * startColor + t * endColor $$


  • $t$ is a value between 0 and 1
def rayColor(ray: Ray): Color =
  Color.white.lerpStart(0.5 * (ray.direction.unit.y + 1.0), Color.skyBlue)

4. Adding a Sphere

Let's create a Sphere case class to encapsulate its logic in one place. If you're not like me and remember your geometry classes, you know that a sphere's equation is something like:

$$ (x - c_x)^2 + (z - c_z)^2 + (z - c_z)^2 = r^2 $$


  • $r$ = sphere radius
  • $(c_x, c_y, c_z)$ = is the 3-dimensional coordinate in the center of the Sphere

This means that if:

  • $(x - c_x)^2 + (z - c_z)^2 + (z - c_z)^2 > r^2$ then $(x, y, z)$ is outside the sphere;
  • $(x - c_x)^2 + (z - c_z)^2 + (z - c_z)^2 < r^2$ then $(x, y, z)$ is inside the sphere;

With this in mind, I recommend you go over the book's explanation on Ray-Sphere Intersection and to better understand the math behind the actual implementation.

case class Sphere(center: Vec3 =, radius: Double = 1):
   def hit(ray: Ray): Boolean =
      val origin       = ray.origin - center
      val a            =
      val b            = 2.0 *
      val c            = - Math.pow(radius, 2)
      val discriminant = Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c
      !(discriminant < 0)

Now we need to update the rayColor function to render a red colored pixel when a Sphere is hit. Let's test this out by hardcoding a Sphere in the middle of the Scene:

def rayColor(ray: Ray): Color =
  if (Sphere(Vec3(0, 0, -1), 0.5).hit(ray)) then
    Color.white.lerpStart(0.5 * (ray.direction.unit.y + 1.0), Color.skyBlue)

And we'll get an Image which looks like this:

5. Surface Normals and Multiple Objects

Take a look at Shading with Surface Normals section for a theoretical background on how shading is done.

What we have to understand is that not only do we want to know if a ray hit the Sphere, but we also need to grab:

  1. $t$: how far away from the ray's origin was the hit
  2. $p$: the hit coordinates
  3. $n$: the surface normal
  4. frontFacing: was the Sphere hit from the inside or the outside

Let's create a data structure to model our hit results. As I see it, we have 2 options:

  1. use an enum which has 2 entries Hit and NoHit, where the first one will contain the values we need.
  2. Or use a simple case class, which alongside the Option class can have Some or None value for hit or no hit respectively.

In the end, I've decided to implement option 2.

case class HitResult(
  point: Vec3,
  normal: Vec3,
  t: Double,
  frontFacing: Boolean = true,

we can now refactor our Sphere.hit method to this include this data structure and well as simplify it:

  def hit(ray: Ray, tMin: Double, tMax: Double): Option[HitResult] =
    val origin = ray.origin - center
    // same as
    val a = ray.direction.lengthSquared
    // we can just use b / 2
    val halfB        =
    val c            = origin.lengthSquared - Math.pow(radius, 2)
    val discriminant = Math.pow(halfB, 2) - a * c

    if discriminant < 0 then return None

    val sqrtDiscriminant = Math.sqrt(discriminant)
    val t = Seq(
      (-halfB - sqrtDiscriminant) / a,
      (-halfB + sqrtDiscriminant) / a,
    ).find(x => !(x < tMin || x > tMax))

    if t.isEmpty then return None

    val point =
        point = point,
        normal = (point - center) / radius,
       t = t.get,

and update our rayColor function to:

def rayColor(ray: Ray): Color = Sphere(Vec3(0, 0, -1), 0.5).hit(ray, 0, Double.MaxValue) match
  case None => Color.white.lerpStart(0.5 * (ray.direction.unit.y + 1.0), Color.skyBlue)
  case Some(hit) => 0.5 * (Color.fromRatio(1, 1, 1) + Color.fromRatio(hit.normal.x, hit.normal.y, hit.normal.z))

Some Refactoring

Now we can create a Scene case class which will take care of storing our Props (such as our Spheres) as well as casting and tracing rays.

case class Scene(props: Seq[Prop]):
  def propHits(ray: Ray, tMin: Double, tMax: Double): Option[HitResult] = 
      .map(_.hit(ray, tMin, tMax)) // calculate hits
      .collect({ case Some(h) => h }) // filter by defined values
      .sortWith(_.t < _.t) // order by closest prop to origin/camera
      .headOption          // get closest option if available

  def rayColor(ray: Ray): Color = this.propHits(ray, 0, Double.MaxValue) match
    case None => Color.white.lerpStart(0.5 * (ray.direction.unit.y + 1.0), Color.skyBlue)
    case Some(hit) => 0.5 * (Color.fromRatio(1, 1, 1) + Color.fromRatio(hit.normal.x, hit.normal.y, hit.normal.z))
  • propHits: this method takes a ray and the min and max distance the origin to render. It hits all props, orders by the closest prop hit and then fetches the first Hit. If such HitResult does not exist, it returns NoHit;
  • rayColor: calls propHits for a single ray and returns the correct pixel color;

Now, you can create a scene with multiple Spheres, and the Image will be rendered correctly, i.e. with the closest Sphere visible.

6. Antialiasing

Take a look at the book's section on Antialiasing to better understand how it works, but essentially we need to calculate the color of random viewport ray hits inside the pixel we're working on, and then merge these values together to get a blending color effect.

Creating a Renderer Case Class

Let's move the render logic from our main.scala file into a dedicated file. Instead of outputting an Image, we just want it to output a Color matrix of a specified width and height. Breaking down the render logic for each color pixel:

  1. Create a sequence of SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL random values between 0 and 1
  2. Map those random values into the calculated with u and v
  3. Reduce that sequence into a unique Color which contains the sum of all RGB color values
  4. Divide that color by SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL which calculates the "average" color in the pixel

While we're at it, let's place the rayColor method here as well:

case class Renderer(viewport: Viewport, scene: Scene):
  private val SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL = 100

  def renderContent(width: Int, height: Int): Seq[Seq[Color]] =
    Seq.tabulate[Color](height, width)((h, w) =>
        .fill(SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL)(Random.nextDouble())       // step 1
        .map { random =>                                    // step 2
          val u = (w.toDouble + random) / (width - 1)
          val v = (height - 1 - h + random) / (height - 1)
          rayColor(viewport.getRay(u, v))
        .reduce(_ + _)                                      // step 3
        /                                                   // step 4

  def rayColor(ray: Ray): Color = scene.propHits(ray, 0, Double.MaxValue) match
    case None => Color.white.lerpStart(0.5 * (ray.direction.unit.y + 1.0), Color.skyBlue)
    case Some(hit) => 0.5 * (Color.fromRatio(1, 1, 1) + Color.fromRatio(hit.normal.x, hit.normal.y, hit.normal.z))

We'll then update our main function to:

def main(): Unit = {
  val aspectRatio = 16.0 / 9.0
  val width       = 400
  val height      = (400 / aspectRatio).toInt

  val viewport = Viewport()

  val scene = Scene(
      Sphere(Vec3(0, -100.5, -1), 100),
      Sphere(Vec3(0, 0, -1), 0.5),

  val content = Renderer(viewport, scene).renderContent(width, height)
  Image(width, height)

7. Diffuse Materials

Picking random points in a unit sphere:

object Vec3:
  // ...
  def random: Vec3 = Vec3(Random.nextDouble(), Random.nextDouble(), Random.nextDouble())
  def random(min: Double, max: Double): Vec3 = Vec3(
    Utility.randomDoubleBetween(min, max),
    Utility.randomDoubleBetween(min, max),
    Utility.randomDoubleBetween(min, max),

  def randomInUnitSphere: Vec3 =
    val hypothesis = Vec3.random(-1, 1)
    if hypothesis.lengthSquared < 1 then hypothesis else Vec3.randomInUnitSphere
end Vec3

And updating the rayColor method:

case class Renderer(/* ... */):

  private val MAX_RAY_BOUNCE = 50

  def rayColor(ray: Ray, depth: Int = MAX_RAY_BOUNCE): Color =
    if (depth <= 0) then return

    scene.propHits(ray, 0, Double.MaxValue) match
      case None => Color.white.lerpStart(0.5 * (ray.direction.unit.y + 1.0), Color.skyBlue)
      case Some(hit) =>
        val target = hit.point + hit.normal + Vec3.randomInUnitSphere
        0.5 * rayColor(Ray(hit.point, target - hit.point), depth - 1)

Which will render:

As we can see (or not), the scene is a little dark. As the book explains, we need to do some gamma correction:

case class Renderer(/* ... */):

  private val GAMMA = 2d

  def renderContent(width: Int, height: Int): Seq[Seq[Color]] =
    val totalPixels = width * height
    Seq.tabulate[Color](height, width)((h, w) =>
      val progress = (h * width + (w + 1)) / totalPixels.toDouble * 100d
        .map { random =>
          val u = (w.toDouble + random) / (width - 1)
          val v = (height - 1 - h + random) / (height - 1)
          rayColor(viewport.getRay(u, v))
        .reduce(_ + _)
        .pow(1 / GAMMA), // <--- add this here

and also add the pow method to our Color case class:

case class Color(/* ... */):
  // ...
  def pow(operand: Double): Color = Color(
    Math.pow(red, operand).toInt,
    Math.pow(green, operand).toInt,
    Math.pow(blue, operand).toInt,

Fixing shadow acne is as easy as:

case class Renderer(/* ... */):
  /** To fix shadow acne this value cannot be 0
  private val T_MIN = 0.001

  // ...
  def rayColor(ray: Ray, depth: Int = MAX_RAY_BOUNCE): Color =
    // ...
    scene.propHits(ray, T_MIN, Double.MaxValue) match // <--- replace 0 with T_MIN
      // ...

To have a true Lambertian distribution and an Alternative diffuse formaluation, we simply need to add options 2 and 3 to the Vec3 object. And of course, update the rayColor method and use any of the 3 options to calculate the target.

object Vec3:
  // ...
  /** Option 1: Good enough Lambertian Reflection
  def randomInUnitSphere: Vec3 =
    val hypothesis = Vec3.random(-1, 1)
    if hypothesis.lengthSquared < 1 then hypothesis else Vec3.randomInUnitSphere
  /** Option 2: True Lambertian Reflection
  def randomInUnitSphereUnit: Vec3 = randomInUnitSphere.unit
  /** Option 3: An alternative diffuse formulation
  def randomInUnitSphereHemisphere(normal: Vec3): Vec3 =
    val n = Vec3.randomInUnitSphere
    if > 0d then n else -n
end Vec3

8. Metal

Let's create a trait for Material, which will be extended by a Lambertian and Metal case class.

  1. Lambertian is our current implementation
  2. Metal will require a new implementation for reflective materials
trait Material(color: Color):
  def scatter(ray: Ray, hit: HitResult): Option[ScatterResult]
end Material

We'll also need a ScatterResult data structure which will contain the scattered ray and its attenuation.

case class ScatterResult(scattered: Ray, attenuation: Color)

Now, we need to add a Material type attribute to the HitResult case class, as well as out Prop trait.

So, our current implementation of Lambertian material will look something like:

case class Lambertian(albedo: Color) extends Material(albedo):
  def scatter(ray: Ray, hit: HitResult): Option[ScatterResult] =
    val scatterDirection      = hit.normal + Vec3.randomInUnitSphereUnit
    val finalScatterDirection = if scatterDirection.isNearZero then hit.normal else scatterDirection
    Option(ScatterResult(Ray(hit.point, finalScatterDirection), albedo))
end Lambertian

And our Metal material with fuzziness will be something like:

case class Metal(albedo: Color, fuzz: Double = 1) extends Material(albedo):
  private val fuzziness = Utility.clamp(fuzz, 0d, 1d)
  def scatter(ray: Ray, hit: HitResult): Option[ScatterResult] =
    val scatterReflection = ray.direction.reflect(hit.normal).unit
    val scattered         = Ray(hit.point, scatterReflection + fuzziness * Vec3.randomInUnitSphere)
    if > 0 then Option(ScatterResult(scattered, albedo))
    else None
end Metal

9. Dielectrics

Creating the refract function:

def refract(normal: Vec3, refractionRatio: Double): Vec3 =
  val cosTheta      = Math.min((-this).dot(normal), 1d)
  val perpendicular = refractionRatio * (this + cosTheta * normal)
  val parallel      = -Math.sqrt(Math.abs(1d - perpendicular.lengthSquared)) * normal
  perpendicular + parallel

and the Dialetric material:

case class Dielectric(refractionIndex: Double) extends Material(Color.white):
  def scatter(ray: Ray, hit: HitResult): Option[ScatterResult] =
    val refractionRatio = if hit.frontFacing then (1d / refractionIndex) else refractionIndex
    val unitDirection   = ray.direction.unit

    val refracted = unitDirection.refract(hit.normal, refractionRatio)

    Option(ScatterResult(Ray(hit.point, refracted), Color.white))
end Dielectric

and then updating the scene with this new material:

Determining if the Ray can refract:

case class Dielectric(refractionIndex: Double) extends Material(Color.white):
  def scatter(ray: Ray, hit: HitResult): Option[ScatterResult] =
    val refractionRatio = if hit.frontFacing then (1d / refractionIndex) else refractionIndex
    val unitDirection   = ray.direction.unit

    val cosTheta   = Math.min((-unitDirection).dot(hit.normal), 1d)
    val sinTheta   = Math.sqrt(1d - cosTheta * cosTheta);
    val canRefract = refractionRatio * sinTheta <= 1.0

    val refracted =
      if canRefract then unitDirection.refract(hit.normal, refractionRatio)
      else unitDirection.reflect(hit.normal)

    Option(ScatterResult(Ray(hit.point, refracted), Color.white))
end Dielectric

Then adding Schlick's approximation:

  private def reflectance(cos: Double, refIdx: Double): Double =
    val r0 = Math.pow((1 - refIdx) / (1 + refIdx), 2)
    r0 + (1 - r0) * Math.pow((1 - cos), 5);

Finally modeling a hallow glass sphere:

10. Positionable Camera

We simply need to add some new properties and calculations to the Viewport case class:

case class Viewport(
    lookFrom: Vec3,
    lookAt: Vec3,
    vup: Vec3,
    /** Vertical field-of-view in degrees
    verticalFOV: Double = 90d,
    aspectRatio: Double = (16d / 9d),
  private val height: Double = Math.tan(verticalFOV.toRadians / 2d) * 2d
  private val width: Double  = height * aspectRatio

  private val w = (lookFrom - lookAt).unit
  private val u = vup.cross(w).unit
  private val v = w.cross(u)

  private val focalLength: Double = 1d

  val origin: Vec3     = lookFrom
  val horizontal: Vec3 = width * u
  val vertical: Vec3   = height * v
  val lowerLeftCorner: Vec3 =
    origin - horizontal / 2 - vertical / 2 - w

  def getRay(s: Double, t: Double): Ray =
    Ray(origin, lowerLeftCorner + s * horizontal + t * vertical - origin)

11. Defocus Blur


12. Final Scene

object Scene:
  def randomScene: Scene =
    val groundMaterial = Lambertian(Color.fromRatio(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    val ground         = Sphere(Vec3(0, -1_000, 0), 1_000, groundMaterial)

    val smallSpheres = Seq
      .tabulate[Sphere](20, 20)((a, b) =>
        val x            = a - 11
        val y            = b - 11
        val randomDouble = Random.nextDouble()
        val center       = Vec3(x + 0.9 * Random.nextDouble(), 0.2, y + 0.9 * Random.nextDouble())

        if randomDouble < 0.8 then
          // diffuse
          Sphere(center, 0.2, Lambertian(Color.random))
        else if randomDouble < 0.95 then
          // Metal
          Sphere(center, 0.2, Metal(Color.random(0.5, 1d), Utility.randomDoubleBetween(0, 0.5)))
          // Glass
          Sphere(center, 0.2, Dielectric(1.5)),
      .filter(s => ( - Vec3(4, 0.2, 2)).length > 0.9)

    val leftSphere   = Sphere(Vec3(-4, 1, 0), 1d, Lambertian(Color.fromRatio(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)))
    val middleSphere = Sphere(Vec3(0, 1, 0), 1d, Dielectric(1.5))
    val rightSphere  = Sphere(Vec3(4, 1, 0), 1d, Metal(Color.fromRatio(0.7, 0.6, 0.5), 0.0))


end Scene

Running with a higher resolution and antialiasing effects (took about 65 minutes to render)




Ray Tracing implementation in Scala 3






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