The FBT Enforcement Application is an application that simulates components of a traffic enforcement application.
- - Engineer Lead | QA | DevOps
- - Engineer | Researcher
- License plate recognition
- Custom mailer PDF generation
- Speeding fine collection letter
- Driver address update letter
- Retrieves mock car data via API
- Full logging
- Pytest Suite
- GitHub Actions on PR creation and push
- Build
- Automated Testing
- Code Formatting Checks
- Generate app fake data
- Use fake image path to retrieve image
- Read text from plate image using the OCR
- Find match and return a single car record within the fake care data
- Issue PDF tickets to drivers who violate the speed limit
- Issue PDF notifications to drivers who have incomplete car records
To run this script, navigate to the top level of this repo and run the main module as seen below:
python -m fbt_enforcement
This project runs tests using pytest.
To run the tests, use the following command:
Note: The tests will automatically launch during the build process, and you must address any issues locally or the build will fail.
This project uses the black formatter.
To run the formatter and linter use the following:
ruff check --fix && ruff format .
ruff check --fix . ; if ($?) { ruff format . }