- ServerStatus 中文版是一个酷炫高逼格的云探针, 云监控, 服务器云监控, 多服务器探针~
- 该云监控(云探针)是 ServerStatus ( https://github.com/BotoX/ServerStatus )项目的中文(优化)版.
- 在线演示: https://status.ime.moe
- clients 客户端文件
- other 客户端安装脚本 以及启动脚本
- server 服务端文件
- web 网站文件
- 20170427, 补上原项目的 客户端安装脚本
- 20170407, 91yun 将 psutil 脚本修改为使用 vnstat 获取月流量
- 20170108, 更新支持所有系统
- 20161205, 去掉无用的 IPv6 信息, 增加服务器总流量监控
- 20161203, 汉化并简化安装教程
git clone https://github.com/ManSoRaTech/ServerStatus.git
cd ServerStatus/server
如果没错误提示, Ctrl+C 关闭; 如果有错误提示, 检查 35601 端口是否被占用
Usage: ./sergate [options]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-c, --config=<str> Config file to use
-d, --web-dir=<str> Location of the web directory
-b, --bind=<str> Bind to address
-p, --port=<int> Listen on port
修改 config.json 文件, 注意 username, password 的值需要和客户端对应一致
"username": "s01",
"name": "Mainserver 1",
"type": "Dedicated Server",
"host": "GenericServerHost123",
"location": "Austria",
"password": "some-hard-to-guess-copy-paste-password"
三、拷贝 Web 相关文件到你的网站目录
cp -r ServerStatus/web/* /home/wwwroot/status/
以 Systemd 为例 ( init.d 参考 sergate.initd 文件 ):
cp ServerStatus/other/sergate.service /etc/systemd/system/sergate.service
vim /etc/systemd/system/sergate.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable sergate
systemctl start sergate
注: -d 参数为 网站目录 酌情修改
脚本默认使用 python-psutil 版 可根据 vnstat 来显示月流量 而不是显示网卡流量.
yum install -y python-psutil
apt install -y python-psutil
rm -rf /var/lib/vnstat
mkdir /var/lib/vnstat
wget http://humdi.net/vnstat/vnstat-1.15.tar.gz
tar zxf vnstat-1.15.tar.gz
rm -rf vnstat-1.15.tar.gz
cd vnstat-1.15
./configure && make && make install
vnstat -u -i eth0
cd ..
rm -rf vnstat-1.15
添加 Cron
crontab -e
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/vnstat -u >/dev/null 2>&1
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ManSoRaTech/ServerStatus/master/other/client-setup.sh
bash client-setup.sh
ServerStatus Client Setup Script
Which client implementation do you want to use? [python-psutil, python]
~> #回车即默认 python-psutil
What is your status servers address (DNS or IP)?
~> #服务端的域名或 IP
What is your status servers port? [35601,...]
~> #服务端端口 一般默认即可
Specify the username.
~> #用户名 注意 必须和服务端配置文件内对应
Specify a password for the user.
~> #密码 如上
Summarized settings:
Client implementation: python-psutil
Status server address: test
Status server port: 35601
Username: test
Password: test
Is this correct? [yes/no]
~> #确认
Magic going on...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 4501 100 4501 0 0 2266 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 2266
Python-psutil client copied to /home/love4taylor/ServerStatus/other/serverstatus-client-psutil.py
Do you want to autostart the script with your system? This requires sudo. [yes/no]
~> #确认
Trying to detect the init system...
Systemd has been detected, is this correct? [yes/no]
~> #此处是使用 Systemd 确认
Installing script to /usr/local/share/serverstatus-client-psutil.py
Under which user should the script be run? [root, ...]
~> #运行用户 默认 root
Installing systemd service to /etc/systemd/system/serverstatus.service
Starting service...
● serverstatus.service - ServerStatus Client
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/serverstatus.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since 四 2017-04-27 19:15:43 CST; 1s ago
Main PID: 31975 (python)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/serverstatus.service
└─31975 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/share/serverstatus-client-psutil.py
Should be started. Adding service to autostart...
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/serverstatus.service → /etc/systemd/system/serverstatus.service.
In case you haven't already added the new client to the master server:
"name": "Change me",
"type": "Change me",
"host": "Change me",
"location": "Change me",
"username": "test",
"password": "test",
Have fun.
- 有些功能确实没用
- 原版本部署, 英文说明复杂
- 不符合中文版的习惯
- 没有一次又一次的轮子, 哪来如此优秀的云探针
- ServerStatus: https://github.com/BotoX/ServerStatus
- mojeda: https://github.com/mojeda
- mojeda's ServerStatus: https://github.com/mojeda/ServerStatus
- BlueVM's project: http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/169690#Comment_169690