The goal of lfcdata
R package is to provide access to the Laboratori
Forestal Català public
You can install the released version of lfcdata from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("MalditoBarbudo/lfcdata", ref = "master", build_vignettes = TRUE)
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("MalditoBarbudo/lfcdata", ref = "staging", build_vignettes = TRUE)
A quick glance on the current availbale databases. See
vignette(package = 'lfcdata')
to get a more detailed explanation of
each db as well as their tables and variables.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
nfidb <- nfi()
#> Access to the Spanish National Forest Inventory data for Catalonia.
#> Use nfi_get_data to access the tables.
#> Use nfi_avail_tables to know which tables are available.
#> Use nfi_describe_var to get the information available on the variables.
#> See vignette('tables_and_variables', package = 'lfcdata') to learn more about the tables and variables.
nfidb %>%
nfi_get_data('plot_nfi_4_results', spatial = TRUE) %>%
select(geometry, density, basal_area) %>%
#> Querying table from LFC database, this can take a while...
#> Done
#> Querying table from LFC database, this can take a while...
#> Done
allometriesdb <- allometries()
#> Access to the LFC allometries database.
#> Use allometries_get_data to access the tables.
#> Use allometries_calculate to calculate new values based on the allometries.
#> Use allometries_describe_var to get the information available on the variables.
#> See vignette('tables_and_variables', package = 'lfcdata') to learn more about the tables and variables.
allometriesdb %>%
#> Querying table from LFC database, this can take a while...
#> Done
#> # A tibble: 9,157 x 22
#> allometry_id allometry_level allometry_level… spatial_level spatial_level_n…
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 BRH_1427 organ branch county Alt Camp
#> 2 BH_287 organ branch county Alt Camp
#> 3 Ht_3211 tree tree county Alt Camp
#> 4 DC_2036 tree tree county Alt Camp
#> 5 GC_2609 tree tree county Alt Camp
#> 6 BH_288 organ branch county Alt Camp
#> 7 BRH_1428 tree tree county Alt Camp
#> 8 BH_289 tree tree county Alt Camp
#> 9 Ht_3212 tree tree county Alt Camp
#> 10 DC_2037 tree tree county Alt Camp
#> # … with 9,147 more rows, and 17 more variables: functional_group_level <chr>,
#> # functional_group_level_name <chr>, dependent_var <chr>,
#> # independent_var_1 <chr>, independent_var_2 <chr>, independent_var_3 <chr>,
#> # equation <chr>, param_a <dbl>, param_b <dbl>, param_c <dbl>, param_d <dbl>,
#> # special_param <chr>, cubication_shape <chr>, source <chr>, n_obs <dbl>,
#> # r_sqr <dbl>, see <dbl>
lidardb <- lidar()
#> Access to the LiDAR database.
#> Use lidar_get_data to access the administrative divisions aggregated data.
#> Use lidar_get_lowres_raster to access access the low resolution rasters (400x400m).
#> Use lidar_avail_tables to know which tables are available.
#> Use lidar_describe_var to get the information available on the variables.
#> Use lidar_clip_and_stats to summarise the raw raster (20x20m) by provided polygons.
#> Use lidar_point_value to extract values from the raw raster (20x20m).
#> See vignette('tables_and_variables', package = 'lfcdata') to learn more about the tables and variables.
lidardb %>%
lidar_get_data('lidar_provinces', 'AB') %>%