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Tutorial 4: Evolve a Robot Population
Here we will learn how the process of adding a robot into a Gazebo world works.
Withing the project root create an empty file
. -
Open the file with a text editor.
Add this piece of a code to the script and save it:
import os import sys here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) rvpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, '..', 'revolve')) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) from revolve.util import Supervisor if __name__ == "__main__": supervisor = Supervisor( manager_cmd=os.path.join(here, "tutorial4.py"), world_file="worlds/gait-learning.world", gazebo_cmd="gazebo", gazebo_args=["--verbose"], plugins_dir_path=os.path.join(rvpath, 'build', 'lib'), models_dir_path=os.path.join(rvpath, 'models') ) ret = supervisor.launch() sys.exit(ret)
You noticed it is the same script as before except for one line!? We changed the name of Manager script to make it clear. All of the future experiments can be done with a separate Manager script where you define a behaviour of the experimental process. OK, let's make the Manager script now!
Withing the project root create an empty file
. -
Make sure it is executable:
sudo chmod +x tutorial4.py
Open the file with a text editor, add this piece of a code to the script and save it
#!/usr/bin/env python2
Online evolution experiment. Initially we try to answer the following questions:
- How do complexity and size evolve?
- How does this depend on `X` (variable to be determined)
- How can we make the system stable? Depending on # of babies,
initial / max population size, age of death.
import csv
import logging
import sys
import math
import random
import time
import numpy as np
from sdfbuilder import Pose
from sdfbuilder.math import Vector3
import os
import shutil
import trollius
from trollius import From, Return
from revolve.util import multi_future, wait_for, Time
# ToL imports may require the system path
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..'))
from revolve.tol.manage.robot import Robot
from revolve.tol.config import parser
from revolve.tol.manage import World
from revolve.tol.logging import logger, output_console
# Output to console and enable debug logging
# Environment parameters
default=50, type=float,
help="The diameter of the environment in meters."
default=12, type=int,
help="The number of segments the arena wall will consist off."
default=4.0, type=float,
help="The diameter of the birth clinic in meters."
default=0.25, type=float,
help="The height from which robots are dropped into the world."
default=0.25, type=float,
help="Minimum distance in meters to the other robots when being dropped "
"into the world. This cannot always be guaranteed, so a number of "
"attempts is made."
# General population parameters
default=15, type=int,
help="The approximate size of the maintained population."
default=30, type=int,
help="The maximum size of the population. If this number is hit without "
"sufficient robots to kill, a fixed fraction is killed instead of"
" a mean-based fraction."
# Mating parameters
default=50.0, type=float,
help="The mating distance threshold in meters."
default=0.5, type=float,
help="The maximum fractional fitness difference between two robots that "
"will allow a mate. E.g. for a fraction of 0.5, two robots will not "
"mate if one is 50%% less fit than the other."
# Experiment parameters
default=30, type=int,
help="The number of times to repeat the experiment."
# Experiment parameters
default=0, type=int,
help="Run to start from."
default=0, type=int,
help="Robot ID to start from."
default=15 * 200, type=int,
help="The number of evaluated births after which to stop the experiment."
default=0.7, type=int,
help="Kill all robots that have a fitness below this fraction of the mean."
class OnlineEvoManager(World):
World manager extended with capabilities for online evolution.
def __init__(self, conf, _private):
:param conf:
:param _private:
super(OnlineEvoManager, self).__init__(conf, _private)
# Output files
csvs = {
'fitness': [
'run', 't_sim', 'births',
'robot_id', 'age', 'displacement',
'vel', 'dvel', 'fitness'
'summary': [
'run', 'world_age', 'robot_count',
'part_count', 'births', 'deaths'
'deaths': [
'run', 'world_age', 'robot_id',
'x', 'y', 'z'
self.csv_files = {
k: {
'filename': None,
'file': None,
'csv': None,
'header': csvs[k]
} for k in csvs
self._running = False
data = self.do_restore
if self.do_restore:
self.current_run = data['current_run']
self.births = data['births']
self.deaths = data['deaths']
self.robot_id = conf.robot_id_base
self.current_run = conf.current_run
self.births = 0
self.deaths = 0
if self.output_directory:
for k in self.csv_files:
fname = os.path.join(self.output_directory, k+'.csv')
self.csv_files[k]['filename'] = fname
if self.do_restore:
shutil.copy(fname + '.snapshot', fname)
f = open(fname, 'ab', buffering=1)
f = open(fname, 'wb', buffering=1)
self.csv_files[k]['file'] = f
self.csv_files[k]['csv'] = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
if not self.do_restore:
def create(cls, conf):
Coroutine to instantiate a Revolve.Angle WorldManager
:param conf:
self = cls(_private=cls._PRIVATE, conf=conf)
yield From(self._init())
raise Return(self)
def teardown(self):
yield From(super(OnlineEvoManager, self).teardown())
for k in self.csv_files:
if self.csv_files[k]['file']:
def get_snapshot_data(self):
data = yield From(super(OnlineEvoManager, self).get_snapshot_data())
data['current_run'] = self.current_run
'current_run': self.current_run,
'births': self.births,
'deaths': self.deaths,
'running': self._running
raise Return(data)
def create_snapshot(self):
Copy the fitness file in the snapshot
ret = yield From(super(OnlineEvoManager, self).create_snapshot())
if not ret:
raise Return(ret)
for k in self.csv_files:
entry = self.csv_files[k]
if entry['file']:
shutil.copy(entry['filename'], entry['filename'] + '.snapshot')
def build_arena(self):
Initializes the arena by building square arena wall blocks.
:return: Future that resolves when arena building is done.
logger.debug("Building the arena...")
n = self.conf.num_wall_segments
futs = []
r = self.conf.world_diameter * 0.5
fraction = 2 * math.pi / n
points = [
Vector3(r * math.cos(i * fraction),
r * math.sin(i * fraction),
0) for i in range(n)
fut = yield From(self.build_walls(points))
raise Return(multi_future(futs))
def select_parent(self, parents):
return sorted(random.sample(parents, self.conf.tournament_size),
key=lambda r: r.fitness())[-1]
def select_parents(self):
Returns a list of robots that have at least one potential mate.
parents = self.evaluated_robots()
p1 = self.select_parent(parents=parents)
p2 = self.select_parent(
parents=list(parent for parent in parents if parent != p1)
return p1, p2
def birth(self, tree, bbox, parents):
Birth process, picks a robot position and inserts
the robot into the world.
Robots are currently placed at a random position within the circular
birth clinic. In this process, 5 attempts are made to place the robot
at the minimum drop distance from other robots. If this fails however
the last generated position is used anyway.
:param tree:
:param bbox:
:param parents:
# Pick a random radius and angle within the birth clinic
pos = Vector3()
pos.z = -bbox.min.z + self.conf.drop_height
done = False
min_drop = self.conf.min_drop_distance
for i in range(5):
angle = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
radius = self.conf.birth_clinic_diameter * 0.5 * random.random()
pos.x = radius * math.cos(angle)
pos.y = radius * math.sin(angle)
done = True
for robot in self.robots.values():
if robot.distance_to(pos, planar=True) < min_drop:
done = False
if done:
if not done:
logger.warning("Warning: could not satisfy minimum drop distance.")
# Note that we register the reproduction only if
# the child is actually born, i.e. there were enough parts
# left in the world to satisfy the request.
if parents:
ra, rb = parents
self.births += 1
fut = yield From(self.insert_robot(
yield From(trollius.sleep(0.1))
raise Return(fut)
# raise Return()
def kill_robots(self):
Kills selected robots.
robots = self.evaluated_robots()
fitness = [r.fitness() for r in robots]
avg = np.mean(fitness)
cutoff = self.conf.kill_fraction * avg
to_kill = [r for r in robots if r.fitness() < cutoff]
if not to_kill and len(robots) == self.conf.population_limit:
# Just kill the desired fraction
n_kill = int(round(self.conf.kill_fraction *
to_kill = sorted(robots, key=lambda r: r.fitness())[:n_kill]
# Never kill more than the required number of robots
# for two completely different random tournaments (two is a
# rather arbitrary number).
max_kill = max(0, len(robots) - 2 * self.conf.tournament_size)
to_kill = to_kill[:max_kill]
futs = []
write_deaths = self.csv_files['deaths']['csv']
for robot in to_kill:
print("Killing robot ID %d" % robot.robot.id)
self.deaths += 1
fut = yield From(self.delete_robot(robot))
if write_deaths:
(self.current_run, self.age(),
robot.robot.id, robot.last_position.x,
robot.last_position.y, robot.last_position.z)
print("Killed {} robots".format(len(futs)))
raise Return(futs)
def produce_individual(self):
p1, p2 = self.select_parents()
for j in xrange(self.conf.max_mating_attempts):
pair = yield From(self.attempt_mate(p1, p2))
if pair:
raise Return((pair[0], pair[1], (p1, p2)))
raise Return(False)
def create_robot_manager(
Overriding with robot manager with more capabilities.
:param robot_name:
:param tree:
:param robot:
:param position:
:param time:
:param battery_level:
:param parents:
return Robot(
def evaluated_robots(self):
return [robot for robot in self.robots.values() if robot.is_evaluated()]
def total_fitness(self):
Returns the sum of the fitness of all robots in the system.
return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b.fitness(), self.robots.values(), 0.0)
def total_size(self):
Returns the total size of all robots in the system.
return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b.size, self.robots.values(), 0.0)
def log_fitness(self):
f = self.csv_files['fitness']['csv']
if not f:
t = float(self.age())
n = self.current_run
for robot in self.robots.values():
ds, dt = robot.displacement()
f.writerow([n, t, self.births, robot.robot.id,
robot.age(), ds.norm(), robot.velocity(),
robot.displacement_velocity(), robot.fitness()])
def log_summary(self):
f = self.csv_files['summary']['csv']
if not f:
f.writerow((self.current_run, self.age(), len(self.robots),
self.total_size(), self.births, self.deaths))
def run(self):
Simple wrapper to complete multiple simulation runs.
while self.current_run < self.conf.num_repetitions:
self._running = True
yield From(self.run_single())
self._running = False
# Update run counter and clear restore status
self.current_run += 1
self.do_restore = None
# New: snapshot and restart the simulator after each run,
# to be able to deal with memory leaks / slowdowns better.
yield From(self.create_snapshot())
def run_single(self):
conf = self.conf
insert_queue = []
if not self.do_restore or not self.do_restore['running']:
# Set initial battery charge
self.births = 0
self.deaths = 0
# Generate a starting population
trees, bboxes = yield From(self.generate_population(
insert_queue = zip(trees, bboxes, [None for _ in range(len(trees))])
# Simple loop timing mechanism
timers = {}
this = self
def timer(name, t):
:param t:
:param name:
if this.last_time is None:
return False
if name not in timers:
timers[name] = this.last_time
return False
if float(this.last_time - timers[name]) > t:
timers[name] = this.last_time
return True
return False
# Some variables
real_time = time.time()
rtf_interval = 10.0
sleep_time = 0.1
started = False
t_eval = self.conf.evaluation_time + self.conf.warmup_time
robot_limit = self.conf.population_limit
birth_interval = t_eval
kill_interval = 2 * birth_interval
while True:
if insert_queue and (not started or timer('insert_queue', 1.0)):
tree, bbox, parents = insert_queue.pop()
res = yield From(self.birth(tree, bbox, parents))
if res:
yield From(res)
if not started:
# Start the world
yield From(wait_for(self.pause(False)))
started = True
# Perform operations only if there are no items
# in the insert queue, makes snapshotting easier.
if insert_queue:
# Space out robot inserts with one simulation second
# to allow them to drop in case they are too close.
# Sleep for a very small interval every time until
# all inserts are done
yield From(trollius.sleep(0.01))
# Book keeping
if timer('snapshot', 100.0):
# Snapshot the world every 100 simulation seconds
yield From(self.create_snapshot())
yield From(wait_for(self.pause(False)))
if timer('log_fitness', 5.0):
# Log overall fitness every 5 simulation seconds
if timer('rtf', rtf_interval):
# Print RTF to screen every so often
nw = time.time()
diff = nw - real_time
real_time = nw
print("RTF: %f" % (rtf_interval / diff))
if timer('death', kill_interval):
futs = yield From(self.kill_robots())
if futs:
yield From(multi_future(futs))
if timer('birth', birth_interval) and \
len(self.robots) < robot_limit:
if self.births >= self.conf.birth_limit:
# Stop the experiment
triplet = yield From(self.produce_individual())
if triplet:
yield From(trollius.sleep(sleep_time))
# Delete all robots and reset the world, just in case a new run
# will be started.
yield From(wait_for(self.delete_all_robots()))
yield From(wait_for(self.reset()))
yield From(wait_for(self.pause(True)))
yield From(trollius.sleep(0.5))
def run():
conf = parser.parse_args()
world = yield From(OnlineEvoManager.create(conf))
yield From(world.run())
# yield From(world.teardown())
# Start a run loop to do some stuff
while True:
# Print robot fitness every second
print ("Robot fitness is {fitness}".format(fitness=42))
yield From(trollius.sleep(1.0))
def main():
loop = trollius.get_event_loop()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Got Ctrl+C, shutting down.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
For more information about the Triangle of Life concept visit http://evosphere.eu/.
/ Premature \
| optimization |
| is the root of |
| all evil. |
| |
\ -- D.E. Knuth /
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