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Analysis of Lamarckian Evolution in Morphologically Evolving Robots

Milan Jelisavcic edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

This page contains the detailed description of the research described in the paper:

Analysis of Lamarckian Evolution in Morphologically Evolving Robots. / Jelisavcic, Milan; Kiesel, Rafael; Haasdijk, Evert; Eiben, A.E. 2017. Paper presented at ECAL, Lyon, France.

[ [VUPortal][VUPortal] . [DOI][DOI] . [ResearchGate][ResearchGate] . BibTeX ]



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title = "Analysis of Lamarckian Evolution in Morphologically Evolving Robots",
author = "Milan Jelisavcic and Rafael Kiesel and Evert Haasdijk and A.E. Eiben",
year = "2017",
month = "6",

[VUPortal]: [DOI]: [ResearchGate]:

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