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Running experiments

milanjelisavcic edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 4 revisions

Running experiments

After you've made sure that everything is up to date (I made changes to all repos recently) you can try running online evolve yourself. This should now be as simple as

. venv/bin/activate
cd tol/scripts/online-evolve

and from there running (with venv enabled)

(venv) python --help

Running with --help gives you all the possible configuration options. You can specify those via the command line, or instead run

(venv) python @input_file.conf

specifying all the options in that input file. Example input files are in @scripts/online-evolve/input@. You could also check out the parameter search script I've been using, which is in @scripts/online-evolve/

/ Premature      \
| optimization   |
| is the root of |
| all evil.      |
|                |
\ -- D.E. Knuth  /
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