A package for implementing and simulating decentralized Graph Neural Network algorithms for classification of peer-to-peer nodes. Developed code supports the publication p2pGNN: A Decentralized Graph Neural Network for Node Classification in Peer-to-Peer Networks.
To generate a local instance of a decentralized learning device:
from decentralized.devices import GossipDevice
from decentralized.mergers import SlowMerge
from learning.nn import MLP
node = ... # a node identifier object (can be any object)
features = ... # feature vector, should have the same length for each device
labels = ... # one hot encoding of class labels, zeroes if no label is known
predictor = MLP(features.shape[0], labels.shape[0]) # or load a pretrained model with
device = GossipDevice(node, predictor, features, labels, gossip_merge=SlowMerge)
In this code, the type of the device (GossipDevice
)and the variable merge protocol
) work together to define a decentralized learning seting for
a Graph Neural Network that runs on and takes account of unstructured peer-to-peer links
of uncertain availability.
Then, when possible (e.g. at worst, whenever devices send messages to the others for
other reasons) perform the following information exchange scheme between linked devices
and v
send = u.send()
receive = v.receive(u.name, send)
u.ack(v.name, receive)
Simulations on many devices automatically generated by existing datasets can be easily set up and run per the following code:
from decentralized.devices import GossipDevice
from decentralized.mergers import AvgMerge
from decentralized.simulation import create_network
dataset_name = ... # "cora", "citeseer" or "pubmed"
network, test_labels = create_network(dataset_name,
for epoch in range(800):
accuracy_base = sum(1. if network.devices[u].predict(False) == label else 0 for u, label in test_labels.items()) / len(test_labels)
accuracy = sum(1. if network.devices[u].predict() == label else 0 for u, label in test_labels.items()) / len(test_labels)
print(f"Epoch {epoch} \t Acc {accuracy:.3f} \t Base acc {accuracy_base:.3f}")
In the above code, datasets are automatically downloaded using DGL's interface. Then, devices are instantiated given desired setting preferences.
title={p2pgnn: A decentralized graph neural network for node classification in peer-to-peer networks},
author={Krasanakis, Emmanouil and Papadopoulos, Symeon and Kompatsiaris, Ioannis},
journal={IEEE Access},