Nexus is a simple ES6 parser for Heroes of the Storm Replay .StormReplay
npm install nexus-parser
import { Replay } from 'nexus-parser';
let replay = Replay.fromFile(<path/to/replay.StormReplay>);
const { Replay } = require('nexus-parser');
let replay = Replay.fromFile(<path/to/replay.StormReplay>);
Example from Build 48297
build: 48297,
map: 'Warhead Junction',
players: [ Players },
playerId: null,
userName: "USERNAME",
hero: Hero,
team: 'red',
won: true,
slot: 8
name: 'The Butcher',
talentIds: [ 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 17, 20 ],
[ 'Abattoir',
'Cheap Shot',
'Insatiable Blade',
'Furnace Blast',
'Savage Charge',
'Blood Frenzy',
'Nexus Blades' ]
Thanks goes to @farof for inspiration with the MPQ Parser
Bug Reports & Pull Requests are always welcome!
Copyright (c) 2016 Martin Lang-Roman
Copyright (c) 2016 Blizzard Entertainment