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MoniNag is a monitoring system that performs server monitoring. MoniNag offers monitoring, alerting user via Email and visualized statistics for servers. The system provides highly customizable approach towards monitoring.


We are assuming that you're using bash & you have to install or clone such packages:

  • Install PostgreSQL server on local machine

    sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
    sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
  • Install RRD tool on local machine

    sudo apt-get install librrds-perl librrd-dev rrdtool
  • Clone this repository to your local machine

    git clone
  • Go to the local copy of repository. Open terminal and run the following command

    pip install -r moninag/requirements.txt
  • Create your in the folder with and configure it

    • Database settings

      DATABASES = {
          'default': {
              'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
              'NAME': database_name,
              'USER': database_username,
              'PASSWORD': user_password,
              'HOST': '',
              'PORT': '5432',
    • Email settings

      EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
      EMAIL_HOST = ''
      EMAIL_HOST_USER = '[email protected]'
      EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '1234rewqasdfvcxz'
      EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
      DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "[email protected]"
      WSGI_APPLICATION = 'moninag.wsgi.application'
      DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost:8000'
  • Install npm and packages

    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
    sudo npm install webpack -g
    sudo npm install typescript -g
    npm i
    npm link webpack
    webpack --watch
  • Install nagios-plugins on local machine

    sudo apt-get install nagios-plugins
  • Import the database dump. Run this code, locating in moninag/DB:

psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U postgres -d moninag -f INSERT_DATA.sql

-h is your local host address -p stands for port -U username -d database name -f filename


  • Back-end Unit Tests for entire project are in tests/unittests/ directory. In order to launch tests use:

    python test
  • For test effectiveness estimation our team used coverage py. Main configuration for coverage are in .coveragerc config file where you can customize run/report/html/... sections. In order to omit some file or directory which is not intented to be covered with tests add them in [run] section:

    omit =

    In order to run coverage use:

    coverage run test

    To get report output you can store it in html/xml or simply print it into console:

    coverage report
    coverage report html
    coverage report xml

    More information at Coverage


  • Code Convention. For analyzing and establishing clean code (according to PEP8) we use pylint. In addition since project uses Django pylint_django plugin for pylint is used. All pylint configurations are in .pylintrc config file. To check specific file or package use:

    pylint --rcfile=/path/.pylintrc

    Additional information: Pylint User Manual