Provides fixlogviewer command which shows fix protocol log in human readable way.
Inspired by
- coloring
- grep by enum values with marked result
- include own fix dictionary
- highligh fields
- hide/show heartbeats
20111107-10:52:22.133: 8=FIX.4.4�9=100�35=A�34=1�49=XXX-MD�52=20111107-10:52:22.128�56=XXX-XUAT�98=0�108=30�141=Y�553=XXXmd�554=XXXmd1�10=146�
20111107-10:52:25.272: 8=FIX.4.4�9=77�35=A�52=20111107-10:52:25.926�49=XXX-XUAT�56=XXX-MD�34=1�141=Y�108=30�98=0�10=176�
20111107-10:52:25.273: 8=FIX.4.4�9=72�35=h�52=20111107-10:52:25.927�49=XXX-XUAT�56=XXX-MD�34=2�336=MD�340=2�10=000�
20111107-10:52:54.373: 8=FIX.4.4�9=130�35=V�34=3�49=XXX-MD�52=20111107-10:52:54.373�56=XXX-XUAT�262=EURUSD:0:0001�263=1�264=0�265=0�146=1�55=EUR/USD�267=2�269=0�269=1�10=192�
20111107-10:52:54.374: 8=FIX.4.4�9=130�35=V�34=4�49=XXX-MD�52=20111107-10:52:54.374�56=XXX-XUAT�262=GBPUSD:0:0002�263=1�264=0�265=0�146=1�55=GBP/USD�267=2�269=0�269=1�10=157�
20111107-10:52:54.688: 8=FIX.4.4�9=173�35=W�52=20111107-10:52:58.255�49=XXX-XUAT�56=XXX-MD�34=6�262=GBPUSD:0:0002�55=GBP/USD�268=2�269=0�270=1.6006�271=1000000�299=28019�269=1�270=1.60082�271=1000000�299=28020�10=207�
$ fixlogviewer somefixfile
BeginString = FIX.4.4 8 = FIX.4.4
BodyLength = 100 9 = 100
MsgType = Logon 35 = A
MsgSeqNum = 1 34 = 1
SenderCompID = XXX-MD 49 = XXX-MD
SendingTime = 20111107-10:52:22.128 52 = 20111107-10:52:22.128
TargetCompID = XXX-XUAT 56 = XXX-XUAT
EncryptMethod = NONE_OTHER 98 = 0
HeartBtInt = 30 108 = 30
ResetSeqNumFlag = Y 141 = Y
Username = XXXmd 553 = XXXmd
Password = XXXmd1 554 = XXXmd1
CheckSum = 146 10 = 146
$ fixlogviewer.bat test/example.fix.log -c --highlight=ExecType --no-heartbeats
$ gem install fix_protocol_tools
Usage: fixlogviewer [options] [file]
--dictionary PATH You can set up FPT_DICT env variable instead
--highlight field1,field2 Highlight number of fields, you can set FPT_HIGHLIGHTS env variable instead
-c, --[no-]color Generate color output
--grep Grep by field id or name
--[no-]heartbeats Show full report on heartbeat messages
-h, --help Display help message
-v, --version Display version message