The application for learning and studying the history of Vietnam includes the following main components:
• User Interface: The application's user interface is designed to be friendly and easy to use, helping users to easily search for and study the history of Vietnam. Users can access the application through a mobile app or a dedicated website.
• Historical Database: The application utilizes a database to store information about the history of Vietnam, including historical events, historical figures, historical landmarks, historical artifacts, etc. This database is regularly updated to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information.
• Features: The application provides the following features to help users learn and study the history of Vietnam: Search for information, explore history, study historical events, etc.
The learning and studying history application of Vietnam brings many benefits to users, including:
• Convenience: Users can easily search for and study the history of Vietnam anytime, anywhere through mobile devices.
• Effectiveness: The application provides various forms of information content that is suitable for the needs and learning abilities of users. The information is presented in a vivid and engaging manner, making it easy for users to remember and understand.
The learning and studying history application of Vietnam is a useful information technology solution, helping users to have a better learning experience of the history of Vietnam.
Using tech | Angular v16, Bootstrap, Material, CKeditor, ...
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps
Step 1: Clone repository to your computer by git with comand
git clone
Step 2: Use the Node package manager:
npm install
Step 3: To run progam , type command:
ng serve -o
Don't forget to clone the backend here
// src\app\service\auth.service.ts
apiurl = 'https://localhost:7138';
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Watch the demo video here
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