OCaml project for Artificial Intelligent Systems - Intelligent Application Development exam.
The goal of this project is to create a program that allows you to find, given a graph G with V vertices and E arcs to which a length is associated, a closed circuit or path that starts from a specific vertex defined by the user. This closed path must also verify certain properties:
- it contains all the arcs of the subset E
- it has a total length less than an integer K.
A BFS search is used to find the circuit, furthermore it is assumed that graph G is an indirect graph.
Most of the information on how the code works can be found in the report "Relazione_postino", where you can also see some examples of graphs used in tests.
To run this project, you can both download OCaml from original website or you can use [TryOCaml] where you can try this language in an interactive mode without downloading nothing. If you prefer to use locally then you have run this command to compile it:
ocamlc -o postino.exe postino.ml
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details