NOT WORKING NOW! Project is compilable (master branch), but it is not working due to migration to post 2.2.0 gatling. It have now a bit different actor/action things internally and it does not match philosophy of original amqp plugin. I will hopefully fix it till the end of 2016.
Gatling AMQP support
- CAUTION: This is not official library!
- but using 'io.gatling.amqp' for FQCN to deal with 'private[gatling]', sorry.
- inspired by (thanks!)
scala> import io.gatling.amqp.Predef._
scala> amqp.declare(queue("q3", durable = true)).run
Publish is asynchronous step and does not block scenario until actual message is published. It can do publish with confirm mode turned on or off. It changes way of getting publish seq number and way of acknowledge from amqp server is done (sync or async).
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
// .vhost("/")
.auth("guest", "guest")
val body = "{foo:1}")
val queueName = "myQueue"
val scn = scenario("AMQP Publish").repeat(1000) {
exec(amqp("Publish").publish(queueName, body = Right(body)))
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(10) over (1 seconds))).protocols(amqpProtocol)
- set "confirmMode()" in protocol that invokes "channel.confirmSelect()"
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
val body = "{foo:1}")
val queueName = "myQueue"
val scn = scenario("AMQP Publish(ack)").repeat(1000) {
exec(amqp("Publish").publish(queueName, body = body))
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(10) over (1 seconds))).protocols(amqpProtocol)
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
.declare(queue("q1", durable = true, autoDelete = false))
val x = exchange("color", "direct", autoDelete = false)
val q = queue("orange")
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
.bind(x, q, routingKey = "orange")
- full code: src/test/scala/io/gatling/amqp/PublishingSimulation.scala
Consume is asynchronous operation which will start consumer on given queue, which will consume all messages which gets to the queue. It does not block scenario (it is async).
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
val scn = scenario("AMQP Publish(ack)").exec {
amqp("Consume").consume("q1", autoAck = true)
- full code: src/test/scala/io/gatling/amqp/ConsumingSimulation.scala
Consume is blocking operation which will start consumer on given queue and wait until exactly one message is consumed. Message can be saved in session if needed and used later. Do not forget to drop it from session if no longer needed.
- implementation is bit broken and unreliable when run more than few users in parallel
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
val scn = scenario("AMQP Publish(ack)").exec {
.consumeSingle("q1", saveResultToSession = true)
.exec(session => {
val msg = session(AmqpConsumer.LAST_CONSUMED_MESSAGE_KEY).asOption[DeliveredMsg]
println("Response=" + msg)
println("ResponseBody=" + => new String(m.getBody, "UTF-8")))
// drop possibly large response from session
session.set(AmqpConsumer.LAST_CONSUMED_MESSAGE_KEY, null)
- not implemented yet
% sbt
> testOnly io.gatling.amqp.PublishingSimulation
% sbt
> testOnly io.gatling.amqp.ConsumingSimulation
- try
sbt -J-Xmx8192m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m
for publishing massive messages
% ./run p foo
- stored in "stats/p/foo"
- cpu: Xeon X5687(3.60GHz)
- mem: 24GB, limit(10GiB), watermark(5GiB)
- version: 3.5.2
- total bytes =
servers * payalod * messages * users
- users = concurrency of AMQP connections
servers | payload | ack | repeat | users | total | sec | qps | spd |
1 | 1 KB | o | 100,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 69 | 14326 | 14.3 MB/s |
1 | 10 KB | o | 10,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 14 | 6778 | 67.8 MB/s |
1 | 100 KB | o | 1,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 11 | 881 | 88.1 MB/s |
1 | 1 MB | o | 100 | 10 | 1 GB | 10 | 97 | 97.8 MB/s |
1 | 10 MB | o | 100 | 1 | 1 GB | - | - | log error |
1 | 10 KB | o | 1,000 | 100 | 1 GB | 17 | 5791 | 57.9 MB/s |
4 | 1 KB | o | 100,000 | 10 | 4 GB | 298 | 13490 | 13.5 MB/s |
4 | 10 KB | o | 10,000 | 10 | 4 GB | 56 | 7208 | 72.1 MB/s |
- log error: statsEngine stopped before working actors finished
servers | payload | ack | repeat | users | total | sec | qps | spd |
1 | 10 KB | o | 100,000 | 10 | 10 GB | 143 | 6983 | 69.8 MB/s |
1 | 10 KB | o | 200,000 | 10 | 20 GB | 301 | 6632 | 66.3 MB/s |
payload | message | users | total | sec | qps | spd |
10 KB | 100 k | 1 | 1 GB | 12 | 8436 | 84.4 MB/s |
10 KB | 2 m | 1 | 20 GB | 179 | 11161 | 111.6 MB/s |
payload | p-ack | repeat | publisher | total | qps | spd | consumer | ack | qps |
10 KB | o | 10,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 6779 | 67.8 MB/s | 1 | auto | 6233 |
10 KB | o | 200,000 | 10 | 20 GB | 7639 | 76.4 MB/s | 1 | auto | 7622 |
- amqp-client-3.6.5 (3.5.1, 3.5.3, 3.5.7 and 3.6.1 is also known to be working)
- gatling-2.2.2
- declare exchanges, queues and bindings in action builder context (to test declaration costs)
- make AmqpProtocol immutable
- make Builder mutable
- mandatory
- consume action (manual ack)
- consume followed by publish and than pause will cause to report publish times containing also pause time (RpcSimmulation with pause after each publish shows it)
released under the MIT License.