1.1.8: auto-reconize country code and national number from number prefixed && support new version of libphonenumber-js
- Auto-reconize country code and national number from number prefixed
Ex: Init the component withv-model
= +33612345678
---> the component's country selector is set & the update event return
countryCode: "FR",
isValid: true,
phoneNumber: "612345678",
countryCallingCode: "33",
formattedNumber: "+33612345678",
nationalNumber: "612345678",
formatInternational: "+33 6 12 34 56 78",
formatNational: "06 12 34 56 78",
uri: "tel:+33612345678",
e164: "+33612345678"
Works when you entering the number and if the country code is null
- Update & support
dependency to 1.7.51