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LiveCTF 2024

This repository contains infrastructure, challenges and solutions for the DEFCON32 LiveCTF.

Qualifier Streams


# Challenge Name Competitors Victor
Upper Round 1: 1+2 Annelid next year's organizers vs Cold Fusion / SuperDiceCode vs if this works we'll get fewer for next year (sudden death) / (sudden death)
Upper Round 1: 1+2 SD Sudo Make Me a Sandwich next year's organizers vs Cold Fusion / SuperDiceCode vs if this works we'll get fewer for next year Cold Fusion (11 min) / if this works we'll get fewer for next year (11 min)
Upper Round 1: 3+4 Rather Susceptible Service Straw Hat vs mhackeroni / RePokemonedCollection vs Never Stop Exploiting mhackeroni (40 min) / RePokemonedCollection (21 min)
Upper Round 2: 5+6 Cryptohno Maple Mallard Magistrates vs Cold Fusion / HypeBoy vs if this works we'll get fewer for next year Cold Fusion (9 min) / if this works we'll get fewer for next year (48 min)
Upper Round 2: 7+8 Relocate Me Maybe Friendly Maltese Citizens vs mhackeroni / Blue Water vs RePokemonedCollection Friendly Maltese Citizens (34 min) / Blue Water (19 min)
Lower Round 1: 9+10 Intel 1001 Maple Mallard Magistrates vs Never Stop Exploiting / HypeBoy vs Straw Hat Maple Mallard Magistrates (forfeit) / (sudden death)
Lower Round 1: 9+10 SD You Only Gadget Once HypeBoy vs Straw Hat HypeBoy (3 min)
Lower Round 1: 11+12 Memories RePokemonedCollection vs next year's organizers / mhackeroni vs SuperDiceCode (sudden death) / (sudden death)
Lower Round 1: 11+12 SD Ez Calculator RePokemonedCollection vs next year's organizers / mhackeroni vs SuperDiceCode RePokemonedCollection (4 min) / mhackeroni (1 min)
Lower Round 2: 13+14 Something Rotten RePokemonedCollection vs mhackeroni / HypeBoy vs Maple Mallard Magistrates RePokemonedCollection (13 min) / Maple Mallard Magistrates (9 min)
Upper Round 3: 15+16 Hercules Cold Fusion vs if this works we'll get fewer for next year / Friendly Maltese Citizens vs Blue Water if this works we'll get fewer for next year (29 min) / Blue Water (15 min)
Lower Round 3: 17+18 Vim Cold Fusion vs RePokemonedCollection / Friendly Maltese Citizens vs Maple Mallard Magistrates RePokemonedCollection (39 min) / Maple Mallard Magistrates (32 min)
Lower Round 4: 19 Printf++ RePokemonedCollection vs Maple Mallard Magistrates Maple Mallard Magistrates (39 min)
Semifinals: 20 Lost on the Ocean if this works we'll get fewer for next year vs Blue Water Blue Water (43 min)
Lower Bracket Finals: 21 Pwnamp if this works we'll get fewer for next year vs Maple Mallard Magistrates (sudden death)
Lower Bracket Finals: 21 SD Setjmp Around if this works we'll get fewer for next year vs Maple Mallard Magistrates Maple Mallard Magistrates (7 min)
Grand Finals: 22 Sheap Blue Water vs Maple Mallard Magistrates Blue Water (15 min)


LiveCTF challenges and infrastructure at DEFCON 32 CTF








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